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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2007 09:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Happy Birthday

09 November 2006 - 05:22 PM

Happy Birthday Ana

Even though Mike bought all your stuff.

Thanks for the Birthday wishes....

As far as Mike buying my stuff, he bought nothing....I gave him everything for nothing in return.

Nice to see people still remember me around here tho, hope all is well with you all. Take care!

In Topic: Who Do You Miss?

31 December 2005 - 08:11 PM

Hey, Ana here aka Dream/Maesse and for those real old schoolers..Charlie.

I can't help but chuckle at this thread. The only reason I saw it was because Lappa was over for a visit and read over his shoulder, otherwise I probably wouldn't realize how much time I actually wasted on the game. Don't get me wrong, at that time in my life, Nightmist was a great escape. And I did manage to keep a couple friendships outside of the game. Someone told me once, At the end of the day the people in the games you play don't give a crap about you or who you are. Once you are gone they will not remember you or care what's happened to you. I have and will always remember that. This thread just prooves it.

I never really said good bye to people becuase I was still somewhat around. I suppose this would be it...Take care everyone and good luck in all you do. To those of you I still talk to, Ill see you around the net. For those of you who I considered frinds and lost touch with, I hope all is well and the new year brings you lots of happiness. For those of you I didn't get along with so well, it was a pleasure playing the game with you. And for those of you who don't know me...enjoy the game!

Happy New Year!


In Topic: Theft, And Its Bs

31 December 2005 - 05:34 PM

omg dude i got my stuff back so o well, ill deal with it, and even if i didnt, he was so dumb he only took items, and left 26 archs, some of them rather very nice ones, so w/e i got it back bc of a friend, all u go die. and quit crying gaddy that she gave the stuff to me n not u, i still have all her characters, like i said, he took the items so cry some more

and gaddy- ana said thanks for teh respect but she doesnt appreciate being called dumb and what she gave away was hers to give away. if she had a problem with it, she'd deal with it and thanks for the input

edit - yeh well im still on her computer... posted by Lappa