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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 26 2012 07:23 AM

Topics I've Started

So Long

17 May 2005 - 03:26 AM

What was done was for the best. I myself became inactive pretty much right around when I heard about the plans for Nightmist 2 (3 I suppose, if anyones counting), which was quite a while before the concept became public knowledge. At that point, the projection was for the new server to be completed 'in the near future'.

After this knowlege, I expressed my feelings to both Pandilex (who was still staffing at the time) and later to JLH: that I felt my job as a staffer in the current server was redundant, but was hesitant to cut my ties because A. they had no intention of hiring new staff, so it wasn't like I was taking someone else's spot, and B. because I have been with the game (in some form) for a very long time (around five years) and had a strong desire to help create a new game with a balance, depth and especially, long-term playability that would improve on Nightmist's current format. Pandilex could attest, I bugged him nearly every day with new systems for religion, alignment, skill classes, townships, and so on. So basically, I felt as if I was "on call" until that point came when we would make this switch that loomed on the horizon.

It was a good run, hope that those of you who knew me had a good time with all the stuff we did; the grenade moshes, extreme trivia, humiliation rounds, NPC-possessing RP sessions and the like. Back when, y'know, I did that stuff.

I agreed to take on a staff role a few years back not for the sake of churning out maps or policing players, but because there was a lot about the game's engine that I wanted to have a strong voice in improving or changing, and I felt that I had some great ideas to bring to the table. I doubt I'll continue playing my mortal for a lot of reasons that I think make sense: all of my old friends have moved on, I still refuse to build an alt army, the gaming engine only takes you so far etc etc, but that's besides the point.

I'm sorry to those of you whom I never got to know, especially those of you who really started to seriously play within the last six to eight months. You must think I'm a total douche. Ah well, can't win em all.

Bottom line: no hard feelings towards staff or admin, and no drama of any sort. Hope you all have fun, and don't take anything too seriously. And spell check your goddamn posts, for christ's sake.
