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Member Since 02 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2004 06:19 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Shen An Calhar!

21 June 2004 - 04:20 AM

Seems like every post I look at Fossae and PureMourning just trash my brothers. Thats gets anyoing. O well

I'm Chairman of the Band of the Red Hand (Shen an Calhar) My members do what they want when they feel like doing it. Forum is public and we can manage to use it while drunk so get used to the rampages they will prolly post. They aren't the first and wont be the last. :)

In Topic: Notorious Beany Masters

21 June 2004 - 04:15 AM

I was goona let this thread die Rob but I just got back from my vacation and couldn't help but say something.

I moved my whole account into NBM (28 crits) Yes they all suck but hey 28 members is 28 members, When Yavimaya gave up the seat as Chairman no one wanted to take orders from Barkie (no offense intended) so me and my bro's took back to Shen an Calhar. :)

In Topic: The Notorious Beany Masters

23 May 2004 - 07:21 PM

NBM is looking great as you can all tell. I have also put Shen an Calhar up for sale (799500). Looking forward to adding my ideas into NBM.


In Topic: Shen An Calhar

28 April 2004 - 06:01 PM

Quick update on contents of Clan house- Sauna,Kitchen,Pub,Arena,Clan bank, and a Breifing room are all now available to all our members.

In Arena a new set of clan moshes will be running shortly, headed by Faceless_Butcher.

Main rule and one of the only rules- I want all alts in. It's all or nothing.


In Topic: Shen An Calhar

27 April 2004 - 09:00 PM

UPDATE- The Shen an Calhar, ranked 34, with score 368, consists of 71 members and 8 rooms:

My Leaders and Founders are doing a fine job. :)
