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- Age 67 years old
- Birthday May 11, 1957
Not Telling
NM, German Shepherds, outdoors life, family...
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In Topic: Anyone Remember People From Long Ago
01 July 2006 - 11:26 PM
I remember the the red legion from pre-reset - I was in Darkgate of Hellraisers back then and I got caught and held for ransom in your clan house at one time. Crit was Roidhun in those old days.
In Topic: Champions Belt Mosh!
11 March 2006 - 10:00 AM
That's nothing Mike - I have one of catchthemostbeamsinmoshI love my scroll of makemefirsttargetinmosh

Anyway, grats to the merry winner.
In Topic: Pking And A Day Of Respite
10 March 2006 - 01:31 PM
Key word is "battles" - nowadays there is more slaughter of n00bs than battles between near-equals. Not that i've ever minded the odd bit of slaughter, but the game seems to be in a phase where people get their kicks and their status from scaring the biggest number of new players away from the game...AS compaired to NM in its prime when there was always over a hundred players on .... and heated battles over ever sqaure inch of the map. The amount of times I have pk'd and been pk'd at the bandit leader would make some plps head spin. It has decreased cause the popuation has, it would be nothing before to jump on some crits and just randomly run around and find tons of pk's thats just not the case anymore.
As compared to when?
what he said was a very true statement deffintly less pking 10 fold
I have to disagree.less pking now than there was b4 lol b happy

In Topic: Pking And A Day Of Respite
09 March 2006 - 09:39 PM
Which is why I devote my spare time to other games and suggestions for DSPeople don't want that, they want be nasty and put players down and make it hard for them to ever get far in game, as sad as it is, it's the way it has been for a while suppose you just need to adjust.Heh, for those unable to understand my point...What I am saying is since I have been here, which is not long at all, I have seen many lvl 6 and under leave. What I am suggesting to those who are open to a suggestion is to let them get a chance to get there feet wet and fall in love with the game.

In Topic: Roleplaying Event
22 February 2006 - 05:28 PM
* Roidhun drinks a swig of his ale *
Hmmm.... A new event, maybe even a task set by the Gods...
I would participate if my feeble magic powers are thought to be of use..
* He smiles crookedly *
But, in light of the fact that I have not been within the borders of the realm for many a day, I will surely not be able to find my way around as once I used to.
* He shakes his head sadly *
Ahh.. the days of old, when one could face his foes in honourable combat and never fear being overwhelmed by force of numbers alone...
[OOC] I'm in if I'm on - really like the idea
Hmmm.... A new event, maybe even a task set by the Gods...
I would participate if my feeble magic powers are thought to be of use..
* He smiles crookedly *
But, in light of the fact that I have not been within the borders of the realm for many a day, I will surely not be able to find my way around as once I used to.
* He shakes his head sadly *
Ahh.. the days of old, when one could face his foes in honourable combat and never fear being overwhelmed by force of numbers alone...
[OOC] I'm in if I'm on - really like the idea

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