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Member Since 27 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2006 11:05 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hey

04 April 2006 - 11:06 AM


In Topic: Mysticshadows

12 November 2005 - 08:56 AM

Grats. =)

In Topic: Elf Master Cleric

06 November 2005 - 06:16 AM

Sold to Zipo.

In Topic: Jumping Ship.

11 September 2005 - 02:46 AM

According to what she had said, i talked to her on MSN and got these results.

[09:56:50 PM] Psychopathic: I don't share with them lol
[09:56:52 PM] *Chong* : O.o
[09:56:53 PM] *Chong* : i thought u did
[09:57:26 PM] Psychopathic: No
[09:57:38 PM] Psychopathic: I got them to change pass on me and they
got all my chars
[09:57:44 PM] *Chong* : so u got jacked?
[09:58:17 PM] Psychopathic: depends how you look at it
[09:58:22 PM] *Chong* : ?
[09:58:30 PM] Psychopathic: they won't even let me have my paci back
and they're ment to be friends
[09:58:56 PM] *Chong* : Donald won't?
[09:58:59 PM] *Chong* : I thought it's only jessie
[09:59:11 PM] *Chong* : Sad that i gave my paci away if not i
could help ya out
[10:00:14 PM] Psychopathic: they all gotta talk about it apparently

While on the other hand....

[10:29:44 AM] ÏÑhû/\/\á|\|: mandi wanted to quit as far as i can tell
[10:29:54 AM] ÏÑhû/\/\á|\|: so she told us to change the pass and i
guess keep the stuff
[10:29:55 AM] ÏÑhû/\/\á|\|: so we did
[10:30:03 AM] *Chong* : but she said
[10:30:04 AM] *Chong* : [09:58:30 PM] Psychopathic: they won't
even let me have my paci back
and they're ment to be friends
[10:32:10 AM] ÏÑhû/\/\á|\|: yeah..i know that
[10:32:16 AM] ÏÑhû/\/\á|\|: yeah she told us to
[10:32:27 AM] ÏÑhû/\/\á|\|: then she went on the forums and said we

In Topic: Semi Sale

28 July 2005 - 06:05 AM

Zerk sold.