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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 08 2005 07:57 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Who Would Leave If P2p Came In?

23 December 2004 - 09:28 AM

Damn I've lost count and my head hurts, but I couldn't do it sorry. This game has been through a lot and all, but I couldn't pay for it.
I remember when ebony was running around the game so it would sadden me to leave but I guess I'd have to say bye if p2p starts.

In Topic: Answer To Jlh

21 December 2004 - 07:12 AM

It's stupid to be I've played this game a lot longer than most would ever think. I've never been stolen from, and wouldn't care really if I was. Yet, JLH didn't help you it's a personal prob. It's cold to say but how can you really expect him to take on each case of thieft in this game try your best if you fail start over. Many of you think who the hell am I to talk I have only have 3 archs since the days I really have worked to get something, and now really don't do anything but talk on this game. I gave up traing so long ago that I wouldn't think my thoughts counted. This game still had combustion when I my first char. So with all I've seen Jlh hasn't made a move I wouldn't say is really bias. Deal with your own thieft and save your songs for a new man.

live and let live.

In Topic: A Few Char's

27 November 2004 - 01:18 AM

I'm not asking for much what's the deal

In Topic: Level 1's

27 November 2004 - 01:16 AM

10k on the human Shadow_Strike ingame

In Topic: Paci's

13 June 2004 - 08:12 AM

I'm talking about who ever brought this whole thing up. Nightmist has always had a curve with once class or another and their will be no changing it sorry to say I've played games harder and more balanced than this one, but I like nightmist. It's said to hear people whine about someone and what they can get from the game. It's not thier fault that it's set up in the favor. I just see that Nightmist hasn't changed much from it's roots and things never will untill everything is re-worked. THat's my two cents though. :)