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Member Since 20 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2011 06:09 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nothing Ever Changes

15 June 2011 - 04:17 PM

Agreed, Sorry your stuffs gone bro, I am having to start over myself. :lol:

In Topic: Lv33 Druid

25 May 2011 - 02:55 PM

thats my old druid isnt it

Yep, is old Abuse.

In Topic: Characters And Items.

22 May 2011 - 01:35 PM

I have 7 druids/zerks mixed from lvl 20-22.. Get with me ingame you know who I am :P

In Topic: Down Goes Osama!

02 May 2011 - 10:07 PM

i dont care....IM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

And Im glad they dumped that heartless pos in the ocean....let the sharks feast on him and bones wash up on shore. Imo they should tied a cinder block to his feet and dumped him in the ocean.

/t JP USA! They cant break our american pride!

As far as his regime and extremest pos that they are....if they try to pull anything then we'll kill them too. you know why? BECAUSE WE ARE THE MOST POWERFULL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. At least we didnt just drop a nuclear bomb on them...maybe we should have?.....certainly would of ended our war with a simple push of a button. Do you people have family in the military on the front lines risking their lives? If you did maybe you would understand why this is so important to us Americans. Do you have any family members that died in the 9/11 attacks?

Thanks for the support guys....thanks.

As much as I would like to agree with you on some things, but when person signs on the dotted line to go into the military THEY know what they are getting themself into expecially nowadays in time. So they do it for a paycheck its a job. Do you feel sorry for a truck driver that runs off a highway because he is trying to get home to his family and falls asleep. Every job is dangerous and risk are taken. Everyone knows this is a part of being in the military. I don't know why people cry and moan about their kids, family members ect fighting over there. If you wanna blame someone blame your family member for enlisting. They aren't fighting for our freedom. We dont have freedom no more. A judge makes decisons on what happens to our lives. We no longer have freedom of speech. Corruption, lies, and illegals over here. This isn't America anymore bro. This is afgiraqafricacubamexicoasia. Thats what they should rename the USA to. Not to offend anyone Just stating my opinion in which in the constitution and federal laws says I have the right to. Or do I? I am sorry to say osama yes is dead but someone will follow right in his footsteps and take over. Just as if Obama was to die someone would take over. The ring of terror will never end. God bless our troops yes. My brother is in Iraq, if something happens to him it was his time god was ready for him. It's a job that pays the bills. Just as any other job. And for the 9/11 stuff. Well would never happen if the great old USA just didn't let every single foriegn person into our country.

In Topic: Multi Crits

27 April 2011 - 11:42 PM

Can we get a fully updated list please :P