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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2007 02:32 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Whats Your Highest Dmg?

15 February 2006 - 03:58 AM

You cast Depurate Undead on a Skeleton damaging it by 116 points of damage. Destroying it.


In Topic: Congratulations Crane

28 August 2005 - 08:53 AM

Thanks guys.

*ponders* I'm sensing a similar reception to when I was first made a forum moderator.

Yeah we didn't like you then either.

Is it me or does anyway else find it strange that Crane created the new area with a monster named "Maneater"

*Momba opens the closet door for Crane"

ah moose that was good, better than i could of done.

anyway - nightmist is simply a burden to JLH now and needs people to run the triplex and events for him!

what happened to "the less staff the better"?.. no supprise though..

i honestly think that if you diddnt feel this 'obligation' to the nightmist community who have put so much time and effort into their accounts you would take down nightmist.

as for nightmist 2 - i would guess that was simply a weekend tool to cure boredom. i'd bet you have most of it completed, but every time you pull out that code to work on it a bit more you wonder why you are creating yet another burden.

the only players who will play nightmist 2 are those few dozen dedicated players you've kept all these years..

hmm.. where did all that come from? *wanders off babbling to himself*

In Topic: Guide On How To Be A Top Playa On Nm

16 July 2005 - 06:56 AM

mm all of that can be sum'd up in one

turnip eating wannabe legend > rappy_ninja

So folks' - Whenever you want to say something about rappy please use the above 'turnip eating wannabe legend' to address him.

In Topic: True Japanese Gangsta

16 July 2005 - 06:50 AM

gotta love japland people trying to be americans

In Topic: Counterstrike

16 July 2005 - 06:49 AM

I heard that guy newb sucks