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Member Since 17 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2013 07:40 AM

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In Topic: The Aviators

26 September 2013 - 07:38 AM


wow, lets troll forums and bump an old post from a few yrs ago and get all hard ons for how bad we pwned this game 10 yrs ago, woot go u guys!!!


Okay, good idea. You would think for a text based game the basic English in posts would be a little bit better.


What about the time I killed Captain Wilson 99 times without a spyglass drop? Got it dead-on turn 100. I can't quite remember his drop % from been staff, but that was a lame run of luck. 


Man, I'm now so hard from thinking about how hard we "pwned" this game ten years ago. At my age I need all the help I can getting hard. Great idea, thanks. 


try the infmous" peen spin" from NM dance battle days! :lol:


good to see you still checking in from time to time man! been years! :)

It has. I pull out the infamous Peen Spin on the dance floor every weekend. You're a genius!

In Topic: The Aviators

07 June 2013 - 11:26 AM

wow, lets troll forums and bump an old post from a few yrs ago and get all hard ons for how bad we pwned this game 10 yrs ago, woot go u guys!!!


Okay, good idea. You would think for a text based game the basic English in posts would be a little bit better.


What about the time I killed Captain Wilson 99 times without a spyglass drop? Got it dead-on turn 100. I can't quite remember his drop % from been staff, but that was a lame run of luck. 


Man, I'm now so hard from thinking about how hard we "pwned" this game ten years ago. At my age I need all the help I can getting hard. Great idea, thanks.