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Member Since 23 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2009 12:52 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gem Encrusted Staff

25 February 2009 - 09:19 PM

Nice idea Clay. You amaze me. You posted this the whole while out pking. Your hawt!!!

In Topic: Character Restore

20 February 2009 - 02:06 PM

I support Nightmist rehab.

If you have so many characters that need restored is the real issue really having to restore them?

And you 3 active staff members...tisk tisk tisk

In Topic: Couple Level 1's

19 February 2009 - 03:19 AM


In Topic: Pros And Cons

18 February 2009 - 01:27 PM

My list of things to improve on are:
2) Make all bosses/mini bosses kill to pass.
3) Make it so no boss/mini boss sqaure is log to local.
6) Make the cleric token boss heal to kill.
7) Add pictures for Clay Golem, Whispering Moccasins, Assassin Vine, Mutant Water Spider, Giant Crayfish, Stirge, Goblin Elite, Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Shaman, Gh'ul'arg, Ocean Shark.
8) Open the Withered Path to Clerics, Pallys, Druids levels 1-15.
10) Allow the no teaming option for moshes. Not that all moshes should be no teaming. But it would be nice to see the best character win, and not the clan with the most players on.

These ones are the ones i would like to comment on:

2) I thought this is the case? If so, should be implemented as it makes easy training otherwise

3) No, makes it so easy to check bosses and if people are there.

6) Makes sense, but obviously since using heals is very consistent can be high damage, the boss would have to be tweaked.

7) How is this improving the game? Main has the same problem, adding pictures dosn't do anything for balancing.

8) Withered Path is the one south of nightmist? east of worn path? Would be nice if so

10) Requires hard coding, the no teaming option before was just a comment, there was no command to disable partying

2) Malok
3) The suggestion was make it so NO boss was log to local. How does the person having to kill the boss or die make it easier?
6) Adding more hitpoints isn't hard.
7) Balancing is does not do. Improving the game it does.
8) Yes south and east of Nightmist
10) Coding is already done and has been used in the past. The option is currently disabled due to player complaints.

In Topic: Pros And Cons

18 February 2009 - 12:44 PM

Far to often I see players compair main to 1alt. Yet there are huge diffrences. On main 1 player 20 alts or even 5 for that matter consume the monsters in the Rose Garden almost as fast as they spawn. However on the 1alt server you can literally have 3-4 players training in the same area and not be able to keep up with the spawns. Often times you'll find multiple players training in the same area and never even know it. So for me personally an expansion of the map isn't what is needed.

I'd much rather see the focus being put on balancing the 1alt server. All of us I am sure will agree that it needs tweaked. I'm not suggesting that all areas be designed so that an individual player be able to play them. Seems most suggestions are about something new yet there are very few ingame who have explored or gotten what is currently offered.

My list of things to improve on are:
1) Healable monster in the Catacombs.
2) Make all bosses/mini bosses kill to pass.
3) Make it so no boss/mini boss sqaure is log to local.
4) Open the Malok Thieves Guild to allow the same classes that can enter the Scarlet Daggers Thieves Guild.
5) Increase the level cap to level 30 on the Lush Jungle.
6) Make the cleric token boss heal to kill.
7) Add pictures for Clay Golem, Whispering Moccasins, Assassin Vine, Mutant Water Spider, Giant Crayfish, Stirge, Goblin Elite, Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Shaman, Gh'ul'arg, Ocean Shark.
8) Open the Withered Path to Clerics, Pallys, Druids levels 1-15.
9) Remove the Moon Well from Natura. Unlike other class resticted areas this one has it's own town. I think they will be o.k.
10) Allow the no teaming option for moshes. Not that all moshes should be no teaming. But it would be nice to see the best character win, and not the clan with the most players on.

That's just a few simple thing I think would improve the game. I can go on but I think that thieves guild suggestion is gonna cause me enough drama to stay busy til my next post.