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Member Since 02 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2012 01:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Happy St. Patrick's Day

17 March 2012 - 02:40 PM


P.S Who's getting drunk or need i ask?


14 March 2012 - 01:32 PM

Firstly i just want to apologise to everyone for my part in the cheating, secondly i wish all the people i knew and was friends with all the best with their future endeavours and to conclude, my conscience is clear, i can move on with my life and feel like i have righted a wrong. This is my last post so peace out. Posted Image


Public Declaration Regading Past Cheating Accusations.

13 March 2012 - 10:21 PM

It's well known that Jase and anyone associated with our account has been accused of cheating so i made this post to put all your minds at ease. Recently i've been backstabbed by Jase because i'm overly generous with our huge fortune of an account and i'm apparently devaluing that account, so Jase has taken it upon himself and do the honourable thing and claim it all for himself. Apparently i have given my share away (clearing a 7mil gold debt for Cody, a long time friend), so i guess i have nothing left to lose and i can enlighten everyone with the truth.

I'd also like to point out a few things first, Jase is well buddied with current staff so there is the possibility he will get away with this, an example of this is when Jase created a Glowing Mithril Greatsword for my Fighter which was deleted by JLH, that means JLH blatantly knew Jase has cheated yet did nothing, also when i went to Gaz after the password had been changed, Gaz already knew, i don't think you people realise how sly he really is and i'm sure he's scored more than a few brownie points with Stig over the years being Co-Staff. So i guess it's time for the list, i'll do my best to recall it all, it does stretch back over a year so bare with me;


Cobalt Staff of the Windsx6
Immortal Bow of Courage
Broomstick (Jordans banned stuff i believe)
Ring of Noel (Also Jordans banned stuff)
Countless 4AC Rings
Sovereign Sword
Angelic Death Blade
Amulet of Hermesx5
Witches Hatx2 (1 from a Test Crit)
Also some Gold from Jordan's banned account


Khemere (Khemere is a 6 stat Elf which was a test crit Jase found in a staff account stacked with questies, which he reset and sent to our account)


Abuse of Staff Power i guess (not that i complained), mutiple player locations which racked up quite a few kills at the time.

So i thats it for now anything else that comes to mind i'll edit the post. All thats left is to explain my reasoning for making this post.In the past i have grinded hard and worked to build an impressive account along with Eric and Alex (Before Jase came along) and i'd hate to see our hard work go to a person like Jase. Please feel free to comment as i'd really like to see players views on this and what it holds for the game as far as staff are concerned.

Quick Side Notes;

Any current debts owed to us are cleared and any items currently loaned out feel free to keep.

Also Jase still has his staff forum account so any of you that made it this far well done :lol:.

~Regards Chris

Removal Of Nightshades

02 March 2012 - 04:56 AM

Ok i think i have a fair idea of how this post is going to go but why the hell not. My reasoning behind this? well how easy is it to press two macros back and forth and pretty much be guaranteed a kill given that most ppl would carry more than one nightshade, i generally just had some ideas which i feel would improve the current condition of nightmist. I feel this would make way for one or two things; for example it would mean that trying to pk someone would be more challenging and take more thought and possible team work. I also feel this would make way for some strategy also, like if the person being attacked had say a vampire blood potion in their inventory, they could change the fight around and have a fighting chance and possibly kill the pker.

I know anyone who reads this will probably think i'm biased but ask how many times you've been pked by the tapping of a few macros and not had a fighting chance at surviving (i'm talking about before the poison was implemented)

So please indulge me with ideas/thoughts or just simply flame, we're all used to it by now. xD

Shop Bought Ring

02 March 2012 - 03:57 AM

Library info for Ring of Might:
Armor base: 4, Can be worn by: fighters, paladins, Description: This metallic ring is made from different ores collected throughout the realm, although it feels light to wear it is extremely durable and only a true warrior may wield it., Level needed to equip it: 30, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Absorb spell: 0, Single equip: 0.

I suppose i should explain why, well i have the gold to buy some 4ac rings for my fighter but nothing stands out to me, ring of fire you think mage, ring of thunder you think druid, ring of astray cleric/mage.. so why not a ring catered for pally/fighters??
