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Member Since 23 Feb 2004
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The Midnight Thorns

04 April 2007 - 02:05 AM

The chilly wind blows through the door when opened and a frantic citizen of Nightmist city rushes into the Sleeping Fox, carrying a near lifeless body within his arms. He cries for help as the injured man continues to bleed from several open wounds. The barmaid does the best that she can to help staunch the wounds as a shrouded man in the corner suddenly takes notice of the one who's now been laid on the floor. The unconscious figure is montionless as the light of recognition sparks in the eyes of the bartender. Within moments the bartender has taken charge of the situation and placed the man within a room, and sent for clerical aid. The moon rises high as the priest steps into the inn.

As dawn breaks the horizon, the man's eyes slowly open to see the faces of the priest and the bartender standing over him. "Well, I should say it's been a while since I've seen your face. I take it that time has not been kind to you sir Lokey," the bartender says with a chuckle. "It's good to see that you're awake. You gave us a lot of reason to be concerned last night."

Lokey smirks slightly, and forces himself to sit up in the bed. "How did I get here?" The bartender chuckles, "You were brought in by one of the citizens last eve. He said that he found you lying beyond the north gate. Apparantly, much the worse for the wear."

"So it would seem," Lokey states with a little disdane. The bartender's smile fades a bit. "I'm afraid that your family have all been... shall we say retired. Most of those you called family have not been seen for a time now."

Days pass as Lokey recovers and the two friends spend time in the inn telling stories of old, of days now long past of the glory of the Midnight Thorns and of ties that bind friends as family. Conversation eventually falls into silence. Lokey takes a long drink of his ale and sighs as he states under his breath, "Things have changed. My injuries have cost me most of my skill. I practically have to relearn everything. I suppose there is no time like the present." Lokey stands, firmly shakes the bartender's hand, and steps out of the inn into the night.

He was right, many things had changed in the realm. Could he once again call this place home? Only time will tell what adventures are left in this one's path.


Well, as you might have guessed from the post, I'm back and I've restarted the MT on the 1-alt server. I can't promise that I'm going to be on all the time, but I will be around as much as time permits me to be. If you're wanting to join up with the Midnight Thorns, just give me a shout and I'll make sure to get you in.

A special invitation goes out to all my former leaders and founders... should you be interested in joining me in the task of bringing back the Thorns, let me know and you'll be able to once again take your place of leadership to help the Midnight Thorns become the clan that it once was in it's peak. If you were not one of the original leaders, leadership can be earned. This is not an exclusive club of former members, but a fresh start for an old clan.

~ Once a Thorn, Always a Thorn! ~