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Member Since 21 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Feb 05 2005 09:28 AM

Topics I've Started

Selling Some Crits

31 January 2005 - 01:32 AM

Rare's stats are:Race/Class: Male Elf Pacifist. Str: 9, Int: 21, Dex: 19, Con: 17, Wis: 20, Chr: 20, Lev: 30, Exp: 523,230,399, HP: 275, MP: 351, Stm: 5.
Spells: Cleanse, Recall, Create Food, Create Water, Soothe, Salve, Depurate Undead, Subdue, Lesser Pact, Greater Pact, Shield Self, Justice Zone.

This character can still be /reset.

Rare is a Male Elf Archmaster Pacifist. He looks normal, very wise, fast, and sexy. He is wearing a Fireleaf Tunic and he has been slightly wounded and hungry.(IS 250k)

Decipher's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Half-Elf Druid. Str: 18, Int: 20, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 10, Lev: 26, Exp: 75,739,006, HP: 256, MP: 269, Stm: 4.
Spells: Heal, Grasping Vines, Jolt, Camouflage, Nourish, Thornshield, Stoneform, Gaea's Blessing, Stormwrath. This druid can morph into a Lynx.

Decipher is a Male Half-Elf Expert Druid. He looks strong, wise, fast, and cute. In one hand he holds a Morning Star. He is wearing a Briar Garments, and an Antlers protects his head. and he is in a healthy condition.(Start at 900k)

Degree's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Druid. Str: 18, Int: 14, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 19, Chr: 21, Lev: 20, Exp: 11,537,514, HP: 191, MP: 209, Stm: 3.
Spells: Heal, Cleanse, Jolt, Camouflage, Nourish, Thornshield, Stoneform, Gaea's Blessing, Nature's Fury, Stormwrath. This druid can morph into a Cheetah.

Degree is a Male Elf Adept Druid. He looks strong, wise, fast, and very sexy. In one hand he holds a Staff of Elements. His feet are protected by Ravenbone Boots. He is a member (ßríñgër øf Ðé§trúçtíõñ äñÐ Çhâõ§) of Hybrid and he is in a healthy condition.(No IS Set)

Please No Bullnuts Bids. Looking for Gold/Items/2-3 stat Arch rangers and a Decent cleric.

Happy Biddings

Edit: you can get me ingame by Paging/memoing Sorrow/Decipher

Looking For Cheap Archs

29 January 2005 - 01:32 PM

I'm looking for 3 stat archs or so need a few of them.

Looking for either Thieves/Fighters/ And 1 Paladin.

Contact me Ingame on Decipher

Back For The Moment

15 November 2004 - 12:16 AM

Yes The Rumors of me Going to jail is True, Yes i was caught dealing high amounts of drugs, but as of now i am in a rehab facility with access to a computer(thanks to one my female nurses who snuck me in a laptop). I'll be Posting thru out the forums on subjects and insights and improvemnts for the game and other various threads within the forum, as most fo you know i was a complete ass hole to most people while ingame, well thathas changed, some people say others change thru emperience and learning well i learnt the hard way that to make it thru the world you must be completely Honest and good going, and not a complete asshole or cabbage, so i am here till my rehab is over and i am placed back into jail to serve the rest of my 5 year sentence. If anyone wishes to talk or anyone that knows me, or wants to get to know the new me add me on MSN i'll gladly add you and talk.



Edit: Spelt a few words wrong

Well This Is The End

04 October 2004 - 07:32 PM

Hello All, I Would just Like the Announce i am offically quitting nightmist i am not returning ever this game has lost my interest since after the past year or so. SO i am taking my leave to never come back to this worthless game it has no meaning anymore its pathetic useless and down right childish anymore, what friends and enemies i knew have turned into childish pricks except for a few, those i will miss and you guys who kinow me and are close friends know who i am talking to, But this is the end of the line for me, i am no longer going to be on except to prolly chat(which will never happen). If you got me On MSN you know how to contact me for thats only contact you'll hav with me from now on. I Do not want to hear can i have your stuff can i get a crit off you. because the answear is NO they are going to rot in my account and be deleted from being inactive so that answears that. As for my enemies. I Could care less what you think of me or what you want to flame me about. Go head try it it doesnt bother me. I will be on for the rest the day saying goodbye to my friends and donating gold to some of my friends clans.

So I guess this is the End FareWell and good luck with the game i suppose.



P.S. Jurian i Wasnt Much of a Lagger but you can say YAY! LESS LAG! :P


03 October 2004 - 11:45 AM

Hello All, I'd Just Like To Say We Are Looking For new Members To Join Our Family.We Have Plenty of Rooms and we like to have fun joke around and be pointless and fun, we don't have any set lvl requirments atm so anyone is free to join. If your interested in joining contact one the founders/Leaders of the clan for a invite we'll gladly give ya one.

List of Founders/Leaders:
Myst (Chairman), Blur (Founder), Dredd (Founder), Eklipze (Founder), Fyara (Founder), Irrational (Founder), Jailbird (Founder), Lalita (Founder), Mesa (Founder), Philter (Founder), Purple (Founder), Sketchers (Founder), Acrimonial (Leader), Arsenic (Leader), Brolly (Leader), Chewbob (Leader), Contrast (Leader), Des_Dwarf (Leader), Fireblade (Leader), Groovy (Leader), Isolation (Leader), Mattsash (Leader), Punk_Aj (Leader), Randsom (Leader), Screamer (Leader),

A Little About Us:

The Evö|µTìöÑ, ranked 16, with score 1140, consists of 232 members and 17 rooms:

We have all the nessecary rooms for a clanhouse suana pub clan bank normal bank etc etc.

