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Member Since 20 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2021 09:50 PM

Topics I've Started

Dragon Plate

14 August 2021 - 12:00 AM

Looking for Dragon Plate Page/memo Tietsu


Sarin Trident

26 July 2021 - 02:16 AM

Selling Sarin Trident 800k or will trade for a Royal Sword



Page/memo Tietsu

Clarification Between A Death Trap And Damage Trap And The Use Of Protect

18 January 2021 - 11:14 PM

A quick question regarding the clarification of a death trap in relation to the Protect spell for mages. 


We all have made mistakes whether it on 1-alt or mutli be it in the Icy Cavern, Pyramid of the 3rd Moon, Harabec Dungeon etc. and hit an Instant death square. Most player created maps on the wiki mark these squares usually as "Death Traps" meaning you walk on the square and you are granted death, whether it be a berserker with over 800 hps or a Druid with 300.


Moving onto the protect spell....There are some obvious cases where protect is necessary to by-pass "damage-traps", for example, on 1 alt getting to the magician bandit through the Forrest highway. However, another advantage to having a mage, whether it be in the party you are currently running or just in your account, is to have the opportunity to go back to the location where you had lost your belongings and attempt to get items or gold lost due to hitting a "death trap" with the use protect spell. This is the case and viable in the Mt. Sentant and Icy Cavern "death squares" on the way to the Banshee and a couple other places. 


There are some instances where the protect spell does not work. For example, the Abandoned Mines(before Cred/Kunal Challenge Room), the waterfall south of Nightmist and a couple other places throughout the realm. My question is, what constitutes where the protect spell does and does not work and why, is this tied to the difficultly to the area regarding "end game" bosses, area lore or something else?