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Member Since 07 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2018 09:15 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Boss Thread

03 December 2016 - 05:27 AM

Well its been along time coming but i finally got a few ppl on clerics to ttk and killed Koschei the Deathless for the first time. Drop wasnt all that spectacular but none the less an awesome quest a few of us took for old times sake!



Koschei the Deathless dropped a Skeleton Finger.

In Topic: Hi And Well Bye.

30 November 2016 - 10:59 PM

Well that blows. Who steals nuts from a dying game lmao. Anyways i went ahead and locked down your clan vaults incase u ever get the stuff back and want to play again its all there.. or atleast what i believe is all there.


The vault contains:


Adamantite Shard, Barracks Key, Cephalothorax, Cobalt Ore, Crystal Knife, Destroying Angel, 7x Elderglow Potion, 2x Enchanted Leaves, Enchanted Silk, 7x Enchanted Timber, Frozen Flesh, Genesis Key, Glowing Mushroom, Golden Spider, Grog XD, Ivory Tusk, 2x Leather Bag, 2x Leathery Hide, Lich Dust, Lifeless Scarab, Metal Crate of Copper Bars, Metal Crate of Dark Insignia, Metal Crate of Steel Bars, Metallic Key, 2x Mutagen Trace, Necromancer Charm, 3x Orcish Draught, 9x Orcish Emblem, Shadow Soul, Skeleton Finger, Small Ruby, Unknown Brew #124470, 3x Wolf Stomach, Wolf's Blood.



The vault contains:


Antlers, Arcane Signet, Brown Feather, 2x Climbing Gear, Coal Pick, Crowbar, 3x Dagger of Spirits, Demon Plate, Dragonstone, Elevator Key, Fangs, Feathered Helm, Great Axe, 2x Harpoon, Helm of Triumph, Lifeless Scarab, Machete, Magewood Hilt, Medium Lance, 3x Mercury, Orc's Granite, Pike, Sand Wurm Hide, Silver Crossbow, 2x Spade, Stair Key 2, 25x Tarma Potion, Torch, Water Ring.


Send me a memo on chaos if you need to get ahold of me, i try to log on when i can.

In Topic: Change Cobalt Staff Of The Winds Back

10 May 2016 - 12:44 PM

Love you Stig. I'm not gonna tell randy how low hes scooping to be you like danny does with me but keep your chin up.. log on.. us ppl that actally play the game and not forums still respect and appriciate everything you do! Do you and fk them haters!


Game goes on....

In Topic: Boss Thread

26 April 2016 - 05:27 AM

Havent posted in awhile and tired of looking at AJ's post.


Captain wylsen x2 - Spyglass and a null

Atrium Monarch - Earth Ward

Gh'ul'arg - Antlers

Banshee - Soul Fragment

Bolted Chest - Sapphire shard

Shadow Wraith - Shadow soul

Aet'Thol - Amulet of the Lich


And someone killed pede :o

In Topic: Deloria Online - 2D Online Adventure Game

11 March 2016 - 03:15 AM

Reminds me of Pokemon on game boy 15 yrs ago. Lol best of luck man