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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2007 09:21 PM

Topics I've Started

Theft, And Its Bs

31 December 2005 - 11:08 AM

well i got robbed by someone i trusted, Blake and Nissy both took all of the items, and the 5 stat h-elf druid given to me by ana, and sold them in record time to pad themselves a very nice acct, around 25 archs, then turned to share with someone that i was close to, and i was given back all the archs they bought with the gold they earned off the items. truth be told, it is garbage that they did it and now i got a million arches for sale, but i dont see how jlh ever considered blake as staff in the recent days past us. blake sold off 2 cobalts, 11 roa's, a spyglass, 6 sg's, 3 dex ammys, and also 2 baron's bracelets. well jlh, im happy i got stuff back, but im upset that its not what i had, and if theres anything that can be done, then pls do it. ty...

edit- errrr im at ana's house - meant to be posted by Lappa