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dark pyro

Member Since 07 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2005 03:58 PM

Topics I've Started

Moving Back

17 December 2004 - 03:03 PM

hey guys i moving back to live with my mom this summer so i wil be able to play the addictive game of nightmist in audubon iowa.

Help Me

21 September 2004 - 02:53 PM

i was just wodering if there are any special areas classes races or stats added ito the game i know it sounds n00bish but i just need some time to save for my own computer so im tryin to keep up with nightmist so it is all kinda hard and just HELP ME PLZ

Game Crits

17 September 2004 - 02:48 PM

plz take poll i need to decide what type of class i want to make when i can get a computer at my house. thx DARK PYRO

Best Class And Race

07 September 2004 - 02:54 PM

elfs are good formagespacys and rangers?
gnomes are good for?
haflings are good for theifs?
half elfs are good for?
humans are good for any thing?(not really)
are good for zerkers?
are good for pallys? :P