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Member Since 07 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2006 03:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Help O.o

27 December 2005 - 01:23 PM

Ahh Donnie Darko...best movie ever.

In Topic: Who Are You?

11 December 2005 - 06:42 PM

Name: Hillary / don't exist in-game anymore (was Valentine)

Age: 27

Gender: F

Where yer from: Olathe, KS, USA

Do ya work, go to school or a bum? School full-time, work part-time

Hobbies/Interests: dancing, medicine, science, sci-fi (movies and books), knitting, drawing, surviving, general merriment

A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?): stubborn, smart, loud

Likes/Dislikes: Likes dark chocolate, dirty vodka martinis, sushi, art, making fun of bad movies (MST3K-style); Dislikes peas, romantic comedies, geography

Favorite color/number: Red, 4 or 17

Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs:
Movies: Jaws, Young Frankenstein, Princess Bride, Nightmare Before Chrstmas, Lost in Translation, Alien(s), Matrix (only the first one), 13th Floor, Star Trek: First Contact, Equilibrium

Music/Bands: umm...a random mix....I listen to the alternative station, and a lot of local stuff...I'll just list a bunch of commonly-known stuff I own: Offspring, Grateful Dead, Gin Blossoms, Bella Morte, Fiona Apple, Cabaret Voltaire, My Chemical Romance, Flogging Molly, Brighteyes, Queen, Nirvana, Megadeth (<--guilty pleasure), Pearl Jam, Garbage, No Doubt (<--pre-pop), Veruka Salt, Distillers, the Start...about 12 million others

Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they? Finish nursing school, get my masters (certified nurse-midwife), visit Australia, try escargot, go in a shark cage

If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? Australia, and I've wanted to see Tokyo every since watching Lost in Translation

Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: Building the Draco Honoris clan house (ie, making descriptions)

In Topic: Drugs

19 November 2005 - 01:47 AM

fall in love with someone! :(

I just wanted to say that's a really good way to get pushed into to drugs, not avoid them :ph34r:

The American government is plenty screwed up...I don't know anything about the English system (aside from the measurements), but our goverment is pretty much run by money, and most of us don't have it.

Thank God the gas prices went back down...$1.99 today....I almost didn't recognize the digit in the dollar's place.

In Topic: I Miss You All!

12 November 2005 - 12:07 PM



That is all...no more Oklahoma living, then?

In Topic: How Did You Join Nm...

07 November 2005 - 06:30 PM

Shes too old for you.

Now there's something I can't hear enough of :(