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Member Since 24 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2012 12:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Stam Regain Topic

26 April 2012 - 01:11 AM

I agree that clerics should either: Get another stam Or get another Stam Regen. What is the point in getting to 40? Nothing to look forward to past 37.

And Shud Up Piddy u Hater

In Topic: What Do You Seek When Training?

19 April 2012 - 10:45 PM

MY Goal in NM? To be able to lvl. I don't have multiple crits. I use Tinderstep. I Gold on my cleric, train on my cleric and heal parties on my cleric. Getting gold in Nm is really hard enough. Thus the reason I haven't been on. Everyone wants and needs clerics on to go bossing, so its really hard to go golding by myself.

For instance...Say I want to go to zeum: Good Pod and Gold right? Well, I have to spend 20mins Killing mayor and then gather a party to kill mummy and then go to second. In which case I have to split the gold. OR I can make sure I kill mayor twice before going to zeum. Use one key to kill mummy and then ask people to drop lodes in zeum so I can put on some decent exp. Which isn't always the case.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to cleric....Running around NM randomly healing people and following them about giving them Enhances..But just like everyone else, I would like to lvl and have awesome equips. There is no possible way that I can train 1-40, afford my lvls and gear all while clericing bosses, dying to traps, pks etc.. its impossible.

In Topic: Skeleton Fingers, And Or Skeleton Bone Dusts...

19 April 2012 - 02:25 PM

I have two Dusts I'll sell you :lol: :lol:
_Tinderstep 1alt

In Topic: Boss Thread

18 April 2012 - 04:32 PM

You summon a beam of pure light, blinding High Priestess Ku'Nal for 36 points of damage, slaying the dark elven High Priestess.

Mana Core dropped.

on 1a.

also killed

HL x2 - nothing
DG x2 - Halberds
Banshee - Saph Shard
Einon - Hellfire Robes
Archmage - Nothing
Aet'thol - Lich Dust
DBM - crap of some kind
Hornet Queen - uhhhhhh yeah i was drunk by then

DBM null dropped.
BD dropped dragon skin
HQ dropped carapace thingy
OC null dropped (we sorta did him on accident)

Also: Atrium Monarch - CPA

HL - null drop around 11a servertime

In Topic: Boss Thread

18 April 2012 - 04:20 PM

orc chieftain :lol: