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Member Since 23 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active May 12 2005 06:14 PM

Topics I've Started

Happy Birthday

02 October 2004 - 07:49 AM

Happy brithday russ may your evil looking face be here to give me Nightmares for many years to come.

Lmao Who Can Understand This?

30 September 2004 - 09:04 PM


Post what it means im interested to see how gets it right.

The Nfl

14 September 2004 - 05:57 PM

OK The europe people got their thread for their football our turn... GO redskins.

A Lesson In Hate

30 August 2004 - 03:35 PM

Anyone who has me on MSn may have saw that last night i had declared hate a christian day. Now as the topic says the test worked to well. I was paged by people I had known for years and told how they felt as though i had turned on them. Others paged me and were angry because I was stero typing them all in one big group, and wasn`t looking at the people any longer.

Now here is the test for all those who fell in that sect who paged me. That anger, the abbandonment you felt at having a friend of years turn his rage on you is the same rage the same anger that a gay or lesbian, a pagen, and the poor women who goes to have an abbortion feels, while they are being screamed at with obsenities, spat on, and treated like they are nothing all because someone decided that these people are not acting with in gods limits.

But it is not just one person it is alot of people, not just a friend sometimes even their familys. Now i know with this i lost at least one friend who was more dear to me than anyother. But the reaction was what i wanted and even if she hates me forever than so be it. But if you take nothing else away from this remember that rage you felt, that anger and remember it the next time you see another human being treated that way for whatever reason, and dont sit silenty and watch say something.

It doesn`t matter if you are christian, gay, pagen or a plethera of other things, in the end we are all human and deserve the right to choose the way we want to spend our lives. Free of the hate that the simple sentences such as hate a christian day, Gays are against god or whatever the sign reads.

To those of you who didnt see the test of the 150 people on my msn friend list 75 were outraged and unknowingly involved in my little lesson, if you werent imagine seeing that sign and how it would feel, immagine having someone you have known for a long time seem to turn on you for being christian or what ever you are something about you that is different and for whatever reason they dont like. and remember.

This topic became important to me for two reasons one a post by friend who could only say that it was against their religion and two will remain my reason and noone else need no it.

The Nigtmist Book

26 August 2004 - 05:40 PM

the full names of the real life people.

Calypso/ Zephie
sarah rain

and thats it for now if you know your caracter is being used in the book and it isnt here its probally because i already have your full real name. this is for a credits page in the book thanks.