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Member Since 09 Jul 2009
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How Is Everyone

03 October 2011 - 01:58 AM

Just a general place for long lost souls to put down how they are doing. I usually ask people how they are doing online, but I talked about Stig in my 'private' (lolwut?) pages and got banned. So I'd figure I'd continue here, although this on its own might breach some made up stuff and get removed. So Will sorry I didn't return your page.

I'm still thankful tho, it's the first time Stig talked to me as his genuine self (cursing etc. which I prefer above the usual self righteous load of bull, Keyser Söze stuff (if you've seen the movie)).

So multipcing, autotraining, and rolling like a bad ass is permitted, but talking in pages isnt? Just for these occasions I'd ask my staff char back so I could toss the bad apples, but I wouldn't stay anyways, so in the long run you'd be off worse..and well, I'm not that selfish.

You did piss off the one who made the wiki, and the site.. so yea, cross your fingers I don't delete all the nuts you made over the years.

Nah I wouldn't anyways... see how cool I am. Bitches be writing poems about me when I'm gone.