Dragon Heir:
A strange people only recently emerging from the deserts beyond the known world.
These people claim to be descendants of dragons that once ruled the lands. Though they have long since lost the individual race lines within their culture, all agree that they are quite strange.
Dragon Heirs resemble humans in almost all ways, apart from the leathery wings on their back, and their clawed hands.
Dragon Heirs are slightly tougher than humans (+1 Con), but are somewhat disturbing to look at (-3 Char). Their wings, though useless for flight, enable them to move quickly on the ground (+2 Dex). The proud Dragon Heirs retain some of their draconian intelligence (+2 Int), but their common sense has suffered (-2 Wis).
Dragon Heirs have a natural weapon:
Pair of hands is exchanged for claws which have a base damage of 3
So max stats would be: 19 21 21 20 17 16
Classes available would be: Fighter, Ranger, and Mage.
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Dragon Heir
22 November 2004 - 05:40 PM
New Fighter Innate Ability
15 November 2004 - 04:34 PM
Fighters should be able to strike critical hits with their weapons.
The whole point behind the Fighter is that he/she is so well trained with weapons that they can inflict lots of damage.
This ability would not be shown on the ability list, because it would always be active.
Critical hit:
Critical hits deal 1.5-2X damage.
Chance for critical:
Lv1: 5%
Lv5: 10%
Lv10: 15%
LV15: 20%
Lv20: 25%
LV25: 30%
Lv30: 40%
This innate ability of fighters would wake them interesting to fight, especially at arch.
The whole point behind the Fighter is that he/she is so well trained with weapons that they can inflict lots of damage.
This ability would not be shown on the ability list, because it would always be active.
Critical hit:
Critical hits deal 1.5-2X damage.
Chance for critical:
Lv1: 5%
Lv5: 10%
Lv10: 15%
LV15: 20%
Lv20: 25%
LV25: 30%
Lv30: 40%
This innate ability of fighters would wake them interesting to fight, especially at arch.
01 October 2004 - 03:03 AM
A Necromancer is a member of a clan of mages who study the origin of life. Through their studies, they have determined where life originally began. They withhold this information from the general public, feeling it would be abused far too often for them to control. Though Necromancers rarely use their powers for evil, when they do, it is heard about everywhere.
Races: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, and Gnome.
SOLO Class
Hp/Mp gains:
Con:17-19 | 10-12 HP
Con:14-16 | 7-9 HP
Con:11-13 | 4-6 HP
Con:1-10 | 1-3 HP
Wis:19-20 | 12-13 MP
Wis:16-18 | 11-12 MP
Wis:13-15 | 9-10 MP
Wis:10-12 | 7-8 MP
Wis:7-9 | 5-6 MP
Wis:4-6 | 3-4 MP
Wis:1-3 | 1-2 MP
Same as Mages, plus:
Demonhide tunic
Armor base: 40, Can be worn by: Necromancers, Description: This tunic, though at first glance appears to be made of rough leather, is actually made from the hide of a lesser demon., Level needed to equip it: 29, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.
Same as Mages, plus:
Base damage: 4, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: A simple farm implement used when harvesting crops. , Level needed to equip it: 5 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
Base damage: 8, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: A farm implement used when shearing down stalks of wheat or barley. , Level needed to equip it: 9 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
War Scythe:
Base damage: 16, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: Though this weapon looks like its well-behaved brother, it is actually very sharp, and very dangerous. , Level needed to equip it: 14 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
Scythe of the Apocalypse:
Base damage: 22, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: This weapon is coveted in the underworld where some Demonic lords claim its possession. It is said they were created along with the world as its counterpart, to facilitate its destruction. , Level needed to equip it: 20 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
Abilities: These are the Necromancer abilities most of which cost only HP if anything.
Requirements: Level: 1, Cost:N/A.
Command:/Charon [amount of HP to be used]/[target]
By channeling his/her life energy, a Necromancer can inflict heavy damage on his/her foe.
Formula: Con/6 Rounded down * life used Up to 50 HP
"You sacrifice some of your life energies, harming Test_Dummy for 30 points of damage!"
"Caster throws a crimson, glowing orb at you, inflicting 30 point of damage!"
"Caster staggers as a glowing, crimson orb appears in his hands and flies at Test_Dummy."
Requirements: Level: 1, Cost: N/A.
Command:/Martyr [amount of HP to be used]/[target]
By channeling his/her life energy, a Necromancer can return life to those who need it. Note: this spell cannot harm undead, it instead heals them.
Formula: Con/6 Rounded down * life used Up to 50 HP
"You sacrifice some of your life energies, restoring 30 hit points to Test_Dummy."
"Caster sacrificed some of his health to restore 30 of your hit points!"
"Caster staggers as his hands begin to glow. He places his hands on Test_Dummy, and the glow transfers to Test_Dummy, healing some of his wounds. "
Requirements: Level:1, Cost: N/A,
Command: /Osmose/[target]
A Necromancer can draw the magical energy from anything around themselves, though they cannot affect another creature's ability to use this energy.
Formula: Int/7 * .25level Round up
You siphon off some of Test_Dummy's magical energy, restoring 23 mana."
"Caster concentrates hard for a moment and you feel the magical energy around you dissapate."
"Caster concentrates and becomes surrounded by a bluish aura that soaks into him."
Spells: These are the Necromancer's spells.
Energy Sap: Mana cost:5.
Requirements: Level: 5, Cost: 100 gold.
Command: /cast energy sap/[target]
This spell drains life from the necromancer's target causing minor damage. It is usually one of the first spells a budding necromancer uses.
Formula: Int/7 * .5level Round up
“You sap 18 points of Test_Dummy’s life energy.”
“Caster saps 18 points of your life energy!”
“Caster saps energy from Test_Dummy!”
Poison: Mana cost:8.
Requirements: Level:11, Cost: 500 gold.
Command: /poison
A Necromancer is able to coat his/her weapon with a potent, supernatural venom.
Formula: .33level Round to nearest Note: This is additional damage added to the weapon.
"You envenom the edge of your weapon by casting poison on it."
"Caster mutters something and runs his hand along the sharp edge of his blade, leaving a green hue in its wake."
Weaken: All requirements and formulae for this spell are the same as those for Enhance.
By focusing negative energy, Necromancers sap their opponents of their strength.
Curse: All requirements and formulae for this spell are the same as those for Righteous Fury.
By focusing negative energy, Necromancers can disrupt the fighting abilities of their opponents.
Drain: Mana cost:15.
Requirements: Level:15, Cost: 1500 gold.
Command: /cast drain/[target]
A Necromancer can draw the life force from any living thing, healing him/herself; but a lot is lost in the transfer.
Formula: Int/5 * .5level .25 vamparic
"You drain 68 points of Test_Dummy's life, restoring 16 HP!"
"Caster speaks some unintelligible words and you feel some of your life force being drawn out of your body. 63 hit points were stolen!"
"Caster mutters something, and some of Test_Dummy's life energy jumps into Caster's hand."
Darkness: Mana cost:25.
Requirements: Level:18, Cost: 6000 gold.
Adept Necromancers learn to control their surrounding to the point where they can create a shroud of unnatural darkness that follows them around for a period of time. This spell was developed to confuse and disorient thieves, who would try to enter and rob the guilds.
Effect: No features of an area are visible, Parties do not function, movement is treated as drunken movement, and characters can only see themselves. Note: Necromancers are unnaffected by this spell, so they can see and function normally. If a Necromancer attacks someone, then that person can see the Necromancer and fight back. A Cleric using vision can function normally.
Duration: amount of time darkness lasts is determined by level: 6 sec * level
"You move your hands deliberately and swiftly, as you do you chant. As you finish, the area is shrouded in a thick blanket of dark."
"Caster makes passes with his hands and mutters some words. As he does, a thick blanket of darkness comes over the area, rendering your sense of sight useless."
Example of an area under the darkness effect:
Darkness: You are in an area of complete darkness. You are not sure of any directions.
Summons: Necromancers, because of their training in magic, are naturally weak. So they create powerful allies for combat. All of a Necromancer's summons will attack his/her enemies, as well as anyone who attacks either of them. All summons earn exp for their master (Only 1/2 normal exp though.). All summons’ attacks are treated as fighter attacks based on their caster’s level.
Create skeleton: Mana cost:20
Requirements: Level:5, Cost:5000 gold
Command: /cast create skeleton
Due to their training and understanding of life, a necromancer can create a small number of skeletal servants. (Up to three.)
Skeletons:Skeletons are upgraded according to the Necromancer's level. (See below) Skeletons are the backbone of any Necromancer’s expedition.
Skeletal Warrior:
HP:30, Str:12, Dex:12, Wis:9, Armor:10, Base damage:1 (Short Sword.), Attacks once per 15 secs.
Skeletal Warrior:
HP:85, Str:15, Dex:15, Wis:12, Armor:15, Base damage:5 (Long Sword.), Attacks once per 12 secs.
Bone knight:
HP:150, Str:19, Dex:19, Wis:15, Armor:20, Base damage:14 (Broad Sword.), Attacks once per 8 secs.
Bone lord
HP:300, str:22, Dex:22, Wis:19, Armor:30, Base damage:20 (Blade of Honor.), Attacks once per 5 secs.
Note: Only one Bone Lord may be created at a time.
Summon Ally: Mana cost: 20
Requirements: Level: 1 Cost: 5,000 gold.
Commands: (set ally) /allyset (cast) /Summon ally
You must have full stamina to summon allies.
Allies are similar to skeletons in that they serve unquestioningly, but the similarities end there. Allies are far more powerful than any skeleton, they also have special traits that make them invaluable assets. Allies share their caster’s magic resistance.
Black Dragon:
Some of these beasts have aligned themselves with necromancers in an attempt to gather more power for themselves, in doing so , they have accomplished their goal, but, to their surprise, they have also become loyal to their necromancer counterparts, and enlist at guilds to find a necromancer companion.
All Black Dragon companions have an acid breath attack which they use randomly (15% cumulative chance to use the acid breath instead of a normal attack. Chance resets when attack is used)
Black Dragon Hatchling:
Required level: 1
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 75, STR: 60%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 3, Base damage: 4 (tiny jaws), attacks once every 10 secs, Breath damage: 5-10.
Juvenile Black Dragon:
Required level: 5
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 100%, STR: 100%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 7, Base damage: 7 (sharp claws), attacks once every 9 secs, Breath damage: 9-21.
Young Adult Black Dragon:
Required level: 10
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 150%, STR: 130%, DEX: 90%, Armor: 18, Base damage: 14 (large claws), attacks once every 9 secs, Breath damage: 14-30.
Adult Black Dragon:
Required level: 15
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 200%, STR: 130%, DEX: 70%, Armor: 39, Base damage: 20 (razor-sharp claws), attacks once every 7 secs, Breath damage: 20-36.
Ancient Black Dragon:
Required level: 20
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 250%, STR: 160%, DEX: 60%, Armor: 56, Base damage: 28 (huge claws), attacks once every 5 secs, Breath damage: 27-45.
Black Dragon Lord:
Required level: 25
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 275%, STR: 175%, DEX: 80%, Armor: 68, Base damage: 35 (hellspawn claws), attacks once every 5 secs, Breath damage: 37-60.
Golems are the necromancer’s old standby guardian. There was once a time when Necromancers had to craft their own Golems, but as Necromancers grew in number, the guild found that by providing their members access to these powerful servants easier, more would be convinced to join their ranks.
Required level:1
This small, almost human-looking creature is fairly weak and not very good in a fight.
HP:75, STR:75%, DEX:100%, Armor:4, Base damage:2 (Sharp teeth.), attacks once every 10 secs.
Clay Golem:
Required level:5
This Golem is carved out of clay, harvested near the city of Nightmist.
HP:125%, STR:100%, DEX:80%, Armor: 10, Base damage: 5 (Club-like fist.), Attacks once every 7 secs.
Stone Golem:
Required level:10
This Golem is crafted from granite, making it extremely tough.
HP:150%, STR:125%, DEX:70%, Armor: 21, Base damage: 13, (Hammer fists.), Attacks once every 7 secs.
Iron Golem:
Required level:15
This Golem is made from high-quality iron. One of its arms holds a large broad sword.
HP:175%, STR:125%, DEX:85%, Armor: 34, Base damage: 19, (Large Broad sword.), Attacks once every 6 secs.
Ironweed Golem:
Required level:20
This golem is made from ironweed. It has many whip-like arms, many of which look sharp. The rest look sharper.
HP: 200%, STR: 125%, DEX: 110%, Armor: 58, Base damage: 15, (Ironweed whip arms), attacks once every 2 secs.
Guardian Golem:
Required level:25
This Golem is made from a combination of wood, stone , and iron. It carries a huge longsword in its hands.
HP: 300%, STR: 150%, DEX:100%, Armor: 90, Base damage:30, (Huge Longsword), Attacks once every 5 secs.
(has 60% chance to be attacked in place of necromancer)
Shadows were some of the first servants of necromancers, back in the day when they were overlords. Now, few Necromancers use shadows as servants though their use is still prominent due to their obvious advantages.
All shadow’s attacks damage both Mana and Health, and return 25% of damage back to the necromancer as HP and MP respectively. Shadows become invisible 2.5 secs after being revealed (by vision or when the shadow attacks.) If they do not attack they can remain invisible indefinitely. (The necromancer can see all his allies.)
Required level: 1
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 50, STR: 50%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 2, Base damage: 1, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 10 secs.
Required level: 5
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 80%, STR: 70%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 4, Base damage: 4, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 9 secs.
Required level: 10
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 120%, STR: 90%, DEX: 120%, Armor: 6, Base damage: 12, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 8 secs.
Required level: 15
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 150%, STR: 110%, DEX: 150%, Armor: 14, Base damage: 16, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 7 secs.
Night Elemental
Required level: 20
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 190%, STR: 115%, DEX: 175%, Armor: 28, Base damage: 20, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 6 secs.
Required level: 25
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 250%, STR: 120%, DEX: 190%, Armor: 47, Base damage: 25, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 5 secs.
Apocalypse: Mana: 100 Stamina: 5
Requirements: Level: 30, Cost: n/a (quest item.)
Command: /apocalypse
Long ago Necromancers turned from the worship of demons and death, to the study of life. This spell is one of those which was forbidden by the high council of mages. There were some who ridiculed the majority for turning from the dark arts, the best known of these would be Aet’thol, and Zanitos. One of whom has solidified his allegience to the darkness by allying his soul with the dark powers. It was Necromancers like these who took the last demon gems and hid them in order to tempt future necromancers into darkness.
Broken gem: This gem looks to be nothing more than a badly broken gem with only a slight luster. It looks to be of no real value.
/library broken gem:
As it turns out that gem you picked up is a part of one of the gems hidden away by necromancers long ago. It is actually called a Demon gem. Though this is only a shard.
/library Demon gem:
These gems no longer exist, as you read on, it seems they were used to - The scribe takes the book you found. “This book is needed elsewhere.” and walks away.
Demon gem shard: (This is used to learn Apocalypse.)
This broken obsidian gem appears to have no value, except for the feeling of evil emanationg from it, and your knowledge of what it is.
/library Demon gem shard:
As you quickly read over the tome you see sections stating that even the smallest piece of one of these gems would still be powerful.
Players would not be able to use the demon gem shard until they did the appropriate research. Because doing the research would reveal what it is.
By using Apocalypse players would instantly summon into being a Lesser Demon.
Lesser Demon:
HP: 50,000
A Demon! Run away!!
Attacks once per 3 secs.
Can heal itself for up to 10,000 every 6 secs (Does so at half health.);
Base damage: 70 (Depraved claws); Immune to mortal magic;
Special abilities: Crushing despair: reduces all stats of one opponent by half (useable every 9 secs), Hellfire: deals 100-170 damage (useable every 15 secs).
Paladins gain resistance of 80% to a lesser demon’s attacks and damage. As well as gaining a 150% increase in their own attacks and damage against the Demon.
Lesser Demons usually start off by biting the hand that freed them. (I.e. killing the Necromancer first.)
(Lesser Demon Idea was entered to entertain people who really like demons and evil things. I would like to have the Paladin bonus on there, but I doubt even the demon will be put in.)
There, done please give me feedback about any ideas/concerns you may have.
Comments are also welcome if they are logical.
A Necromancer is a member of a clan of mages who study the origin of life. Through their studies, they have determined where life originally began. They withhold this information from the general public, feeling it would be abused far too often for them to control. Though Necromancers rarely use their powers for evil, when they do, it is heard about everywhere.
Races: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, and Gnome.
SOLO Class
Hp/Mp gains:
Con:17-19 | 10-12 HP
Con:14-16 | 7-9 HP
Con:11-13 | 4-6 HP
Con:1-10 | 1-3 HP
Wis:19-20 | 12-13 MP
Wis:16-18 | 11-12 MP
Wis:13-15 | 9-10 MP
Wis:10-12 | 7-8 MP
Wis:7-9 | 5-6 MP
Wis:4-6 | 3-4 MP
Wis:1-3 | 1-2 MP
Same as Mages, plus:
Demonhide tunic
Armor base: 40, Can be worn by: Necromancers, Description: This tunic, though at first glance appears to be made of rough leather, is actually made from the hide of a lesser demon., Level needed to equip it: 29, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.
Same as Mages, plus:
Base damage: 4, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: A simple farm implement used when harvesting crops. , Level needed to equip it: 5 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
Base damage: 8, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: A farm implement used when shearing down stalks of wheat or barley. , Level needed to equip it: 9 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
War Scythe:
Base damage: 16, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: Though this weapon looks like its well-behaved brother, it is actually very sharp, and very dangerous. , Level needed to equip it: 14 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
Scythe of the Apocalypse:
Base damage: 22, Can be used by: Necromancers, Description: This weapon is coveted in the underworld where some Demonic lords claim its possession. It is said they were created along with the world as its counterpart, to facilitate its destruction. , Level needed to equip it: 20 , Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table:, Mana leech: .
Abilities: These are the Necromancer abilities most of which cost only HP if anything.
Requirements: Level: 1, Cost:N/A.
Command:/Charon [amount of HP to be used]/[target]
By channeling his/her life energy, a Necromancer can inflict heavy damage on his/her foe.
Formula: Con/6 Rounded down * life used Up to 50 HP
"You sacrifice some of your life energies, harming Test_Dummy for 30 points of damage!"
"Caster throws a crimson, glowing orb at you, inflicting 30 point of damage!"
"Caster staggers as a glowing, crimson orb appears in his hands and flies at Test_Dummy."
Requirements: Level: 1, Cost: N/A.
Command:/Martyr [amount of HP to be used]/[target]
By channeling his/her life energy, a Necromancer can return life to those who need it. Note: this spell cannot harm undead, it instead heals them.
Formula: Con/6 Rounded down * life used Up to 50 HP
"You sacrifice some of your life energies, restoring 30 hit points to Test_Dummy."
"Caster sacrificed some of his health to restore 30 of your hit points!"
"Caster staggers as his hands begin to glow. He places his hands on Test_Dummy, and the glow transfers to Test_Dummy, healing some of his wounds. "
Requirements: Level:1, Cost: N/A,
Command: /Osmose/[target]
A Necromancer can draw the magical energy from anything around themselves, though they cannot affect another creature's ability to use this energy.
Formula: Int/7 * .25level Round up
You siphon off some of Test_Dummy's magical energy, restoring 23 mana."
"Caster concentrates hard for a moment and you feel the magical energy around you dissapate."
"Caster concentrates and becomes surrounded by a bluish aura that soaks into him."
Spells: These are the Necromancer's spells.
Energy Sap: Mana cost:5.
Requirements: Level: 5, Cost: 100 gold.
Command: /cast energy sap/[target]
This spell drains life from the necromancer's target causing minor damage. It is usually one of the first spells a budding necromancer uses.
Formula: Int/7 * .5level Round up
“You sap 18 points of Test_Dummy’s life energy.”
“Caster saps 18 points of your life energy!”
“Caster saps energy from Test_Dummy!”
Poison: Mana cost:8.
Requirements: Level:11, Cost: 500 gold.
Command: /poison
A Necromancer is able to coat his/her weapon with a potent, supernatural venom.
Formula: .33level Round to nearest Note: This is additional damage added to the weapon.
"You envenom the edge of your weapon by casting poison on it."
"Caster mutters something and runs his hand along the sharp edge of his blade, leaving a green hue in its wake."
Weaken: All requirements and formulae for this spell are the same as those for Enhance.
By focusing negative energy, Necromancers sap their opponents of their strength.
Curse: All requirements and formulae for this spell are the same as those for Righteous Fury.
By focusing negative energy, Necromancers can disrupt the fighting abilities of their opponents.
Drain: Mana cost:15.
Requirements: Level:15, Cost: 1500 gold.
Command: /cast drain/[target]
A Necromancer can draw the life force from any living thing, healing him/herself; but a lot is lost in the transfer.
Formula: Int/5 * .5level .25 vamparic
"You drain 68 points of Test_Dummy's life, restoring 16 HP!"
"Caster speaks some unintelligible words and you feel some of your life force being drawn out of your body. 63 hit points were stolen!"
"Caster mutters something, and some of Test_Dummy's life energy jumps into Caster's hand."
Darkness: Mana cost:25.
Requirements: Level:18, Cost: 6000 gold.
Adept Necromancers learn to control their surrounding to the point where they can create a shroud of unnatural darkness that follows them around for a period of time. This spell was developed to confuse and disorient thieves, who would try to enter and rob the guilds.
Effect: No features of an area are visible, Parties do not function, movement is treated as drunken movement, and characters can only see themselves. Note: Necromancers are unnaffected by this spell, so they can see and function normally. If a Necromancer attacks someone, then that person can see the Necromancer and fight back. A Cleric using vision can function normally.
Duration: amount of time darkness lasts is determined by level: 6 sec * level
"You move your hands deliberately and swiftly, as you do you chant. As you finish, the area is shrouded in a thick blanket of dark."
"Caster makes passes with his hands and mutters some words. As he does, a thick blanket of darkness comes over the area, rendering your sense of sight useless."
Example of an area under the darkness effect:
Darkness: You are in an area of complete darkness. You are not sure of any directions.
Summons: Necromancers, because of their training in magic, are naturally weak. So they create powerful allies for combat. All of a Necromancer's summons will attack his/her enemies, as well as anyone who attacks either of them. All summons earn exp for their master (Only 1/2 normal exp though.). All summons’ attacks are treated as fighter attacks based on their caster’s level.
Create skeleton: Mana cost:20
Requirements: Level:5, Cost:5000 gold
Command: /cast create skeleton
Due to their training and understanding of life, a necromancer can create a small number of skeletal servants. (Up to three.)
Skeletons:Skeletons are upgraded according to the Necromancer's level. (See below) Skeletons are the backbone of any Necromancer’s expedition.
Skeletal Warrior:
HP:30, Str:12, Dex:12, Wis:9, Armor:10, Base damage:1 (Short Sword.), Attacks once per 15 secs.
Skeletal Warrior:
HP:85, Str:15, Dex:15, Wis:12, Armor:15, Base damage:5 (Long Sword.), Attacks once per 12 secs.
Bone knight:
HP:150, Str:19, Dex:19, Wis:15, Armor:20, Base damage:14 (Broad Sword.), Attacks once per 8 secs.
Bone lord
HP:300, str:22, Dex:22, Wis:19, Armor:30, Base damage:20 (Blade of Honor.), Attacks once per 5 secs.
Note: Only one Bone Lord may be created at a time.
Summon Ally: Mana cost: 20
Requirements: Level: 1 Cost: 5,000 gold.
Commands: (set ally) /allyset (cast) /Summon ally
You must have full stamina to summon allies.
Allies are similar to skeletons in that they serve unquestioningly, but the similarities end there. Allies are far more powerful than any skeleton, they also have special traits that make them invaluable assets. Allies share their caster’s magic resistance.
Black Dragon:
Some of these beasts have aligned themselves with necromancers in an attempt to gather more power for themselves, in doing so , they have accomplished their goal, but, to their surprise, they have also become loyal to their necromancer counterparts, and enlist at guilds to find a necromancer companion.
All Black Dragon companions have an acid breath attack which they use randomly (15% cumulative chance to use the acid breath instead of a normal attack. Chance resets when attack is used)
Black Dragon Hatchling:
Required level: 1
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 75, STR: 60%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 3, Base damage: 4 (tiny jaws), attacks once every 10 secs, Breath damage: 5-10.
Juvenile Black Dragon:
Required level: 5
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 100%, STR: 100%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 7, Base damage: 7 (sharp claws), attacks once every 9 secs, Breath damage: 9-21.
Young Adult Black Dragon:
Required level: 10
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 150%, STR: 130%, DEX: 90%, Armor: 18, Base damage: 14 (large claws), attacks once every 9 secs, Breath damage: 14-30.
Adult Black Dragon:
Required level: 15
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 200%, STR: 130%, DEX: 70%, Armor: 39, Base damage: 20 (razor-sharp claws), attacks once every 7 secs, Breath damage: 20-36.
Ancient Black Dragon:
Required level: 20
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 250%, STR: 160%, DEX: 60%, Armor: 56, Base damage: 28 (huge claws), attacks once every 5 secs, Breath damage: 27-45.
Black Dragon Lord:
Required level: 25
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 275%, STR: 175%, DEX: 80%, Armor: 68, Base damage: 35 (hellspawn claws), attacks once every 5 secs, Breath damage: 37-60.
Golems are the necromancer’s old standby guardian. There was once a time when Necromancers had to craft their own Golems, but as Necromancers grew in number, the guild found that by providing their members access to these powerful servants easier, more would be convinced to join their ranks.
Required level:1
This small, almost human-looking creature is fairly weak and not very good in a fight.
HP:75, STR:75%, DEX:100%, Armor:4, Base damage:2 (Sharp teeth.), attacks once every 10 secs.
Clay Golem:
Required level:5
This Golem is carved out of clay, harvested near the city of Nightmist.
HP:125%, STR:100%, DEX:80%, Armor: 10, Base damage: 5 (Club-like fist.), Attacks once every 7 secs.
Stone Golem:
Required level:10
This Golem is crafted from granite, making it extremely tough.
HP:150%, STR:125%, DEX:70%, Armor: 21, Base damage: 13, (Hammer fists.), Attacks once every 7 secs.
Iron Golem:
Required level:15
This Golem is made from high-quality iron. One of its arms holds a large broad sword.
HP:175%, STR:125%, DEX:85%, Armor: 34, Base damage: 19, (Large Broad sword.), Attacks once every 6 secs.
Ironweed Golem:
Required level:20
This golem is made from ironweed. It has many whip-like arms, many of which look sharp. The rest look sharper.
HP: 200%, STR: 125%, DEX: 110%, Armor: 58, Base damage: 15, (Ironweed whip arms), attacks once every 2 secs.
Guardian Golem:
Required level:25
This Golem is made from a combination of wood, stone , and iron. It carries a huge longsword in its hands.
HP: 300%, STR: 150%, DEX:100%, Armor: 90, Base damage:30, (Huge Longsword), Attacks once every 5 secs.
(has 60% chance to be attacked in place of necromancer)
Shadows were some of the first servants of necromancers, back in the day when they were overlords. Now, few Necromancers use shadows as servants though their use is still prominent due to their obvious advantages.
All shadow’s attacks damage both Mana and Health, and return 25% of damage back to the necromancer as HP and MP respectively. Shadows become invisible 2.5 secs after being revealed (by vision or when the shadow attacks.) If they do not attack they can remain invisible indefinitely. (The necromancer can see all his allies.)
Required level: 1
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 50, STR: 50%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 2, Base damage: 1, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 10 secs.
Required level: 5
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 80%, STR: 70%, DEX: 100%, Armor: 4, Base damage: 4, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 9 secs.
Required level: 10
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 120%, STR: 90%, DEX: 120%, Armor: 6, Base damage: 12, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 8 secs.
Required level: 15
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 150%, STR: 110%, DEX: 150%, Armor: 14, Base damage: 16, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 7 secs.
Night Elemental
Required level: 20
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 190%, STR: 115%, DEX: 175%, Armor: 28, Base damage: 20, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 6 secs.
Required level: 25
(desc. Coming soon. -Mantis)
HP: 250%, STR: 120%, DEX: 190%, Armor: 47, Base damage: 25, (spectral essence.), attacks once every 5 secs.
Apocalypse: Mana: 100 Stamina: 5
Requirements: Level: 30, Cost: n/a (quest item.)
Command: /apocalypse
Long ago Necromancers turned from the worship of demons and death, to the study of life. This spell is one of those which was forbidden by the high council of mages. There were some who ridiculed the majority for turning from the dark arts, the best known of these would be Aet’thol, and Zanitos. One of whom has solidified his allegience to the darkness by allying his soul with the dark powers. It was Necromancers like these who took the last demon gems and hid them in order to tempt future necromancers into darkness.
Broken gem: This gem looks to be nothing more than a badly broken gem with only a slight luster. It looks to be of no real value.
/library broken gem:
As it turns out that gem you picked up is a part of one of the gems hidden away by necromancers long ago. It is actually called a Demon gem. Though this is only a shard.
/library Demon gem:
These gems no longer exist, as you read on, it seems they were used to - The scribe takes the book you found. “This book is needed elsewhere.” and walks away.
Demon gem shard: (This is used to learn Apocalypse.)
This broken obsidian gem appears to have no value, except for the feeling of evil emanationg from it, and your knowledge of what it is.
/library Demon gem shard:
As you quickly read over the tome you see sections stating that even the smallest piece of one of these gems would still be powerful.
Players would not be able to use the demon gem shard until they did the appropriate research. Because doing the research would reveal what it is.
By using Apocalypse players would instantly summon into being a Lesser Demon.
Lesser Demon:
HP: 50,000
A Demon! Run away!!
Attacks once per 3 secs.
Can heal itself for up to 10,000 every 6 secs (Does so at half health.);
Base damage: 70 (Depraved claws); Immune to mortal magic;
Special abilities: Crushing despair: reduces all stats of one opponent by half (useable every 9 secs), Hellfire: deals 100-170 damage (useable every 15 secs).
Paladins gain resistance of 80% to a lesser demon’s attacks and damage. As well as gaining a 150% increase in their own attacks and damage against the Demon.
Lesser Demons usually start off by biting the hand that freed them. (I.e. killing the Necromancer first.)
(Lesser Demon Idea was entered to entertain people who really like demons and evil things. I would like to have the Paladin bonus on there, but I doubt even the demon will be put in.)
There, done please give me feedback about any ideas/concerns you may have.
Comments are also welcome if they are logical.
Holy Warrior Muders?
30 September 2004 - 03:41 AM
If Paladins are holy warriors why do they kill people?
Paladin: "I am a defender of justice."
Newbie: "Wow, a paladin, I can trust him."
Paladin: "Yes you can trust me little one."
Newbie: "Wow, thank you mister Paladin man."
Paladin: "No Problem."
(Draws sword)
Newbie: "Noooooooooo..."
Paladin?: "Mwahahahahaha"
What part of that seems wrong to you guys? Is it the part where an innocent person gets slaughtered for no reason? Because that's what got me.
Paladins are holy warriors who exist to protect the weak and innocent. Which is why I don't think they should be able to attack other players.
(Another scenario)
Paladin: "I am a defender of justice."
Archmasters: "Hey look a paladin."
Paladin: "I only wanted to help..."
The above illustrates a reason to not allow Paladins to be pked.
Paladins exist to protect others so why would other people want to attack and kill them?
of course I would like to have a system where people who hunt people would be able to be hunted by paladins without the paladins accidentally endangering innocents.
(As a side note I have only a few paladins, none of which are arch. but the reason behind this post is that I have a very idealistic view of what a paladin should be.)
Paladin: "I am a defender of justice."
Newbie: "Wow, a paladin, I can trust him."
Paladin: "Yes you can trust me little one."
Newbie: "Wow, thank you mister Paladin man."
Paladin: "No Problem."
(Draws sword)
Newbie: "Noooooooooo..."
Paladin?: "Mwahahahahaha"
What part of that seems wrong to you guys? Is it the part where an innocent person gets slaughtered for no reason? Because that's what got me.
Paladins are holy warriors who exist to protect the weak and innocent. Which is why I don't think they should be able to attack other players.
(Another scenario)
Paladin: "I am a defender of justice."
Archmasters: "Hey look a paladin."
Paladin: "I only wanted to help..."
The above illustrates a reason to not allow Paladins to be pked.
Paladins exist to protect others so why would other people want to attack and kill them?
of course I would like to have a system where people who hunt people would be able to be hunted by paladins without the paladins accidentally endangering innocents.
(As a side note I have only a few paladins, none of which are arch. but the reason behind this post is that I have a very idealistic view of what a paladin should be.)
If You Know Me.
27 August 2004 - 06:13 AM
That about sums them up, I hope everyone will chose the answer that best fits how they feel.
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