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Member Since 09 May 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2010 10:07 PM

Topics I've Started

Sentant Stones

07 June 2007 - 06:52 PM

Looking for 3 Sentant Stones, if got any catch Cronus or Scripto ingame, and well work out a price.

Nm1a Suggestion

18 March 2007 - 01:33 PM

ok /random

what does it do? Displays a random number between 1 and 1000 to all players on square

example: Enzyme rolled and got the number 567

what is it for? It gives everyone in a 1-alt party an equal chance to collect a boss drop instead of it being whoever gets the kill as this is unfair for support characters such as cleric who may never get the kill, so everyone in party would roll for the item drop (if they want it of course), highest number would collect item.

Userlist Upgrade?

21 January 2007 - 05:28 PM

Ok I remember there was a suggestion for hiding your own player from user list so that when you’re attacked pvp you don’t have to scroll as much, this is sort of just a suggestion on how to make it work with an added idea.

Basically in game options you could have an opt-in option for either hiding greens or reds from user list.

This would allow you to hide everyone you don’t want to hit, but say for your leader if it’s a cleric you could use it to hide reds so that all you see is what is important for you. Possibly have a command to change these too. An alternative would be to have an option to reorganizes the user list on the client so that it groups all reds to top then neutral etc or reverse which would in the end have same effect for the person using this option.


Startup Position

22 December 2006 - 04:24 PM

Ok i know this prob will effect almost noone except me, but could the startup position of main client window be set to center screen, when NM loads up normally (unmaximized) the title bar gets hidden under my task bar and its a hassle to move it all the time :)


06 December 2006 - 03:00 AM

looking for either low lvl Halfling pxpppx or a mid level halfling paladin 10-23.

Contact me in game please.