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Member Since 25 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2006 11:49 PM

Topics I've Started

Be On Guard

14 July 2004 - 02:16 AM

There is a person going around sporting the e-mail adress johnathon_lh@hotmail.com

He goes under the account odious and asks for any main characters to be transferred to his account for testing, I know most people arent stupid enough to fall for this, but I just though I should warn some of the more gullible nightmist player base.

Have fun everyone.

Banana Phone!

01 June 2004 - 11:07 PM


It made me smile.


15 May 2004 - 12:37 AM

Ok, this isnt very fleshed out *or at least at the moment I have not thought this over very well* But I thought maybe fighters should FINALLY get an ability for themselves, and I do believe I've thought of the perfect one...


Ok here are details.

1)Must have a shield on *Not a buckler, a SHIELD*
2)Must be lvl 15+

Ok, next.

1)(Str*lvl)/7. Meaning a dwarf at lvl 30 will be doing around 90 damage with this. Not too huge.

1)Re-use timer is the length of two stamina regens *I dont know the timing for stamina regens. So just it times by two*
2)Uses a singular stamina point.

1)If used when your opponent has full stamina, or more than two stamina. It deals the damage, and has a chance to subtract two stamina. Chance formula is ((Con*lvl)/9)+CURRENT stamina, FOR THE OPPONENT. So if your opponent was another lvl 30 dwarf there would be be 76% chance they would not be 'stunned' *with full stamina*.
2)If the opponent has 0 stamina, there is a default 100% chance that 10+ seconds will be added to their stamina regen timer.
3)If used on another fighter, and #2, conditions come into effect,AND the other fighter has already used bash, an extra <Insert stamina regen> seconds is added to the respawn timer of the opponents bash. along with the other effects of bash.

So, thats a fairly skeletal idea. If anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, etc please post them. New improved formulas can be worked out if the ones above wont work.
