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Member Since 19 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2009 04:26 AM

Topics I've Started

Improving On The Vg Spell

18 July 2006 - 01:12 PM

Just a thought : A Mage with the ability to teleport them self ... ie Vortex Gate... you would think that they could use it to escape danger. I suggest that if a mage is not on those specified squares it still works but the same as recall... The mage goes to local ... If I where a mage in a fight and was about to die I would cast an escape spell. Just thought it would be more realistic.

Desert Moon

26 June 2006 - 06:34 PM

You are a lone Adventurer, standing on the edge of the desert. Night has fallen and its not a safe place to camp. Lucky for you there is a full moon and in its light you see a building in the distance. Thinking it would be better to try and investigate the building than to be attacked in your tent you proceed.
As you approach the building you see a sign. "Desert Moon all Adventurers welcome." You try the door and it is open. As you walk in you are greeted by an Elven Mage that appears to be very wise and powerful. "Hello stranger, what brings you way out here?" As you explain your story he listens very intently and hands you a drink and snack to tide you over. "Well my friend, our door is open to all who wish to enter although those with bad intentions will soon be exposed and sent into the desert unaided. For we are a close family and look after each other , always." You are shown the kitchen and pub along with a guest room and asked if you would like to join the family. "You are welcome to join us if you like and you can sleep on it , if you decide not to we wish you safe journeys and perhaps we will meet again". As you turn to answer he vanishes in a brilliant flash , then you hear from what seems to be nowhere "and good dreams".
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