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Member Since 04 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2014 08:31 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Smoking Poll

25 December 2007 - 10:14 PM

I smoke multible times daily, straight As in school and graduating one year early?!??

Drugs are for people who can handle them, blame stupid people who don't have a strong mind.

It's like saying guns kill people...lawl

In Topic: Leaving Probably Not Returning

20 December 2007 - 08:00 PM

Why Corey whyyyyy

Come back whenever you find extra time :ph34r:

In Topic: Dotw

20 November 2007 - 10:32 AM

Why would people go nine yards if a first down is ten? That's so stupid.

Anyway, since thieves best weapon at 25 is the BD for DotW at lvl 25, I think it should hold true for each class, excluding zerks and fighters.

Rangers would be 21
Druids would be 20

Zerks and fighters should lowered to 20 like most of the others, 25 BD (halberd/rose blade) would borderline cobalt too much.

In Topic: Dotw

20 November 2007 - 10:31 AM

Nine? Are pacifists still killing people? EVIL

In Topic: Thieves Covert

20 November 2007 - 10:09 AM

Your point? I don't care about the way you train, nor will I ask if you always trained alone or had a cleric for a large portion of the time.

I care that this previously mentioned method of training is unbalanced.

Edit: Added "previously mentioned".