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Member Since 27 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2016 12:09 AM

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In Topic: Final Saga Mud

27 February 2016 - 05:43 PM

Played a warrior for a couple minutes, was wondering why  it was so hard to roll anything decent. Seems like every stat has a minimum of 8 so for gnomes str can vary 8-17 while knowledge is 8-21. Combat is messed up as well it went from taking like 50+ attacks to have a succesful hit on the older version, to on my h-ling  with 17 str and 21 speed every hit "instakills" but the monster doesn't go away, i get no xp, and no gold just the message "You hit a Large Snake with a Club for 34 hit points, killing it." Hits range from 14-42 but out of 100+ attacks they all hit. Tried a wizard with 21 str 9 speed every attack still hits. Seems like only Valley Trolls can die, orc minions and large snakes take no damage. Nothing gives exp though and the training arena has no monster limit it seems.

In Topic: /load

22 February 2016 - 12:07 AM

Had the same problem, have to run as admin to use /load.