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Member Since 19 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2009 04:26 AM

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In Topic: Nightmist Needs Saving

09 February 2007 - 04:12 AM

to begin with nobody said I had a big issue with anything .... I dont want a reset . The topic was braught up about the failing economy in NM .... I mearly had a suggestion on a way to help balance it . Face the facts .... the economy is truely screwed up .... I dont have much problems saving money if I want something. I am not failing to "climb the ladder". but the fact remains that things are losing thier value. I actually dont mind it like it is . As far as if you had 10 mil gold and you had to pay the same perdent as someony that had only saved 1k .... be glad its wasnt a suggestion for a sliding scale like we do for real :)...... really though ... just a suggestion

In Topic: /locate

30 January 2007 - 05:23 AM


In Topic: Gold

28 January 2007 - 05:00 AM

on the subject of saving the game .... there is a big money issue ... "way to much money in NM" there is a possible solution, make a "cost of living tax" .... once a month a % of all money in game is "eaten" by the server ..... every crit in every account is charged a small % of all gold in bank and on them. ie, I have 100gold, the tax is 5%, 5gold is gone at beginning of month ...... if i had 1000000... 500gold would be deducted.... I'm not sure wat % it would take to balance the game out but that would make the economy work. If I had a job and no cost of living I would be the richest man on earth ...... just an idea

In Topic: Nightmist Needs Saving

26 January 2007 - 09:40 PM

on the subject of saving the game .... there is a big money issue ... "way to much money in NM" there is a possible solution, make a "cost of living tax" .... once a month a % of all money in game is "eaten" by the server ..... every crit in every account is charged a small % of all gold in bank and on them. ie, I have 100gold, the tax is 5%, 5gold is gone at beginning of month ...... if i had 1000000... 500gold would be deducted.... I'm not sure wat % it would take to balance the game out but that would make the economy work. If I had a job and no cost of living I would be the richest man on earth :) ...... just an idea

In Topic: Happy Birthday Dan! Aka Sleepinggiant

25 August 2006 - 01:25 PM

ty all very much :)