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Member Since 06 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2006 05:20 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Who Would Have Thought...

30 November 2005 - 07:52 AM

Oh snap, where to start.. First of all, on her 50th birthday you'll be 29, what happens when her seemingly perky tits turn into saddlebags in which you'd find in the local stable? you gonna get some supports to hold em up durin intercourse? or close ur eyes and stomache the g-i-l-f lmao...

I am glad your happy and all, but 44 is a tad bit older... I quit because my gf, we're around the same age tho (im 17 shes 16) .. but 44-23=21, a 21 year difference... i mean come the hell on lololol... Your gonna be like 27 and helping her through menopause... Ah well, good luck and all, I wanted to rip you up on this thread, but I am yet another victim to the love bug, so I can't say shizzit... Good luck and best of things


EDIT : she is pretty hot tho lol. Bang her till she dries up, then change churches <LOL>

In Topic: Proficiency Tournament 13/11/5

15 November 2005 - 04:10 AM

grats chris but don't enjoy it too long, this isnt a celebration of you winning a pointless event, its rappy losing in which we should be celebrating.. 1 step towards realization he failed at life prz.

hahaha <3 justin

In Topic: Crits

14 November 2005 - 01:56 AM

next time when u post showstats, can ya paste the what they were wit what hp etc? kthx

In Topic: Chad?

13 November 2005 - 08:23 PM

not the only part of will he has a hard time keeping off his lips, from what rappy brags about, wills a hard individual. lmao.. i figured ya'll missed my uber insultin skillz0rs..

ima be really blunt with this one, jared rules, chads a cigarette, now go get some creme for the red dots.

In Topic: Leaving

13 November 2005 - 08:18 PM

Why duh, because quitting would involve Sam getting a life, like thats happening anytime soon...

as for being a turnip a making a prank, lets preheat the oven to 450 (haha pwned jewb0i)