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Member Since 22 Feb 2004
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In Topic: Unexpected Blast From The Past!

09 March 2023 - 12:55 AM

Thats great

In Topic: Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

28 February 2023 - 07:57 PM

I faded away when the remaining players couldn't get along and chose to PK back and forth, making it impossible to do the harder boss content in the game - that I preferred. The grind was bad, but as a kid in school it wasn't hard. I can't imagine grinding all the way to 40 now as an adult, would take 10 years hahaha... If I didn't get PK'd for no reason...

Also didn't care for the fact that there was no high end development for my preferred class, druid.

And lastly, when everyone started sharing my drive faded. Why grind our own characters when we can just share everything and nobody needs to do anything anymore. There were plenty of characters leveled in the game to share amongst the 15-20 players at the time.


Funny, you were one of the people I was specifically thinking about when I talked about Andy repeatedly pking a few years ago driving off over half the server. We would be on a boss run, he would use his own clans locations and come kill me and whoever wasnt in his clan, then leave you guys who were in the clan stranded to go keep training his own characters.


I think at that time you, lisa, jason (original og one), holly, wes, me, nicole, and a couple others all quit at the same time that all happened. A little bit of random pk'ing isn't bad. completely stopping the progress of the anyones playing the game legitimately destroys the game. Then what's the reason them few players are left to get all the good stuff? There's literally no one for you to play with anymore. Good Job.

In Topic: Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

27 February 2023 - 04:35 AM

It's a shame replacements for the Cobalt weren't available before the Nerf. I bet Nightmist would still have alot of interest. 80% of the Playerbase rolled and levelled a Thief since they were an epic solo Class / PKer and when they got drastically nerf'd  the Cobalt was the saviour. 


I still think 10mil is well worth having a 30% Vamp Rating. 


Essentially no one quit due to the Cobalt nerf or there not being alternatives in place when it was nerfed (although, there actually were about 6-7 in place when it was nerfed, players just didnt know how powerful they were because "coballlt rulez dude!!11!"). The vast majority of players who have quit during max exoduses have been during times with 1-3 players go on pk'ing streaks for weeks on end disallowing players to play. Plain and Simple. The dynamics of how people play games have changed greatly.


People don't want to play 3 years to make 1 character max level. People don't want to be pk'd 4 times in a week and lose a months worth of leveling. The Cobalt nerf was many many years after the thief nerf, the thief nerf was very early in 1a. We've had the training weapons in the game for multiple years now, we've had numerous updates to bosses and monsters, new stuff dropping, more powerful items coming out, none of it kept players around when people started pk'ing though. This is especially true for the few casual players who return from time to time.


Before you try to argue about that point, 1 of the 7 players ive seen on in the last 3 months, literally said he quit because of such a situation recently. We talked for about an hour, he talked about whomever was the person who had went on a pk'ing rampage like a year ago or whatever, and he has no desire to deal with it. Pk'ing is fine, but when you repeatedly target over and over again, those people will just quit because no one wants to see no progress, and you can say "be better, or hide better" but not everyone knows the game that well, not everyone hs the right training weapons, not everyone has tons of time to play, not everyone wants to hide so they can get a little progress. Especially when that player might only get 1-3 hours a week of playing.

In Topic: Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

17 February 2023 - 08:50 PM

Foxie I think was the main person trying to suggest changes.

The idea on 1a was always "make people work together, don't make it easy"


In general. I've never been the play with others type of person. I've always been in my own clans and only ever have alts in other clans because of randoming items from boss runs. I've never much enjoyed the idea of having to rely on others to do things, expecially when i comes to the leveling system. If I've put the work in myself, why should I need 6 other people to help me get tokens to level. 1a has always been a disaster that many people loved, because I think the vast majority of people never wanted to play 20 alts at once, it kind of destroys the the game. You're just clicking a couple macros and running through everything never looking around at whats in front of you.

In Topic: Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

16 February 2023 - 12:17 AM

Yes, I remember Trevayne butting heads with quite a few people. I couldnt remember if you were staff then or not but i remembered you coming back later. I knew in the beginning there was nothing you did with 1a regardless of reason. But yeah, I think in general there have been times people have been allowed in things regardless. I.e. i was allowed in 30 for 30 quest but i didnt know anything other players didnt know, i was allowed in christmas quest but couldnt lead the parties or give hints.


Regardless the in general answer is trevayne added stuff to game in which he refused to have that stuff ported from multi to 1a. I also remember one of the female staff members trying to recommend changes for 1a on a semi-regular basis and trevayne vetoing it. I even remember one of the ideas being proposed for leveling past 35 being "players should vote on it and if they say yes they can level" god, imagine if that had been implemented.....