Hornet Queen

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Name Hornet Queen
Also known as
Difficulty Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif Flashstar.gif
Alignment True Neutral
Spawn Rate
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit
Armour Very High
Magic Resistance
Undead? No
Special abilities
Drops Carapace
Chitinous Shards
Insect Wing
Viscous Pheromone


Just like medals... you have the lesser Bronze Hornets, then the silver Titan Hornets, and now you have the stuff of nightmares, the golden Hornet Queen! Standing five feet high and twelve feet long, she could easily devour a gnome in one, and it looks like she won't hesitate to do just that, seeing as you are within her domain. The noise of her wings is that of the loudest earthquake, and her carapace looks stronger than dragon hide. If that wasn't enough, a number of Bronze Hornets ride on her back, ready to dive onto you.

Attacks and abilities

Favourite quotes


