Insect Wing
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Revision as of 22:05, 19 December 2024 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)
Description: A large wing torn from one of the giant hornets or mantodea., Type of Item: Doesn't do anything special, or is a key.
- Dropped by Bronze Hornets, Titan Hornets, the Hornet Queen, Praying Mantodea, Butterflies, Mirage Moths, and Giant Mosquito Swarms.
- Give 10 Insect Wings and a Leather Bag to the Wooden Bench to create a Leather Bag of Insect Wings.
- Sells in The Coven at the Witch's Hut for 330 gold.
- Used in the 1-alt leveling system for; Druid (37), Thief (37), Fighter (39), and Mage (39).