Rogue Corsair Skirmisher

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Revision as of 07:08, 18 November 2024 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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Name Rogue Corsair Skirmisher
Also known as None
Difficulty Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif Silverstar.gif
Alignment Neutral Evil
Spawn Rate Undetermined
Hp Moderately High
Exp Undetermined
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 350
Armour Undetermined
Dodge Undetermined
Magic Resistance Undetermined
Undead? No
Special abilities Moves around

Resistance to non-magical Weapons (bows will damage), resistance to
most melee weapons even with being magical (armor block, no damage)

Money 25,000
Drops Spyglass (very rare)

So it seems that someone in Silversail managed to turn a children's toy into a full-fledged war machine. Consisting of what looks like a pitch-coated row boat suspended below a large hot air balloon, this two-person Corsair-class airship soars as high as the eagles, making it nigh-unreachable from ground level, yet its bombardier has no problems taking aim at surface targets with cannonballs, grapeshot, crossbow bolts and free-falling ordnance while the pilot manoeuvres the vessel into optimum firing position before quickly leaving should too many enemy archers take position, a tactic now used to its full potential to harass convoys and supply lines outside of any legal jurisdiction.

Favourite quotes


Multiple locations: moves between these locations in order below. On a set path in roughly 10 minute intervals

  • Mountain Fenowasty
  • Worn Path
  • Jahanna Desert (Infested Town)
  • Last location Unknown


Be weary of thrown Satchels (3 attacks at once-can do over 300 damage)

Be weary of Granite Spike (up to 250 damage)