Norinth's Bane

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Base damage: 27, Can be worn by: thieves, Description: You don't know if you can even call this a dagger; it is nothing more than some jagged black crystal that is certainly not obsidian. It is wickedly sharp to the point of being armour-piercing and you are only able to hold onto it thanks to the scraps of mismatched leather crudely wrapped around it. You are certain you can see faint wisps of smoke emanating from the point. For those in the know, this notorious weapon has passed through planar barriers to corrupt the humanoids of the realm - its most famous victim being the druid Norinth who, as a result, became almost solely responsible for the undead horrors that plagued the kingdom before the second mist wiped the slate clean, Level needed to equip it: 33, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: .13, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 1, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: -2, Poison chance: 40, Poison/30s damage: 0.5, Monster damage table: shadow:1, armor:2, bandit:2, bezerker:2, captain:2, commander:2, defector:2, druid:2, elite:2, enchanter:2, guard:2, herric:2, hunter:2, knight:2, mage:2, malok:2, marauder:2, master:2, monarch:2, paladin:2, priest:2, ranger:2, rogue:2, scientist:2, smith:2, telatin:2, teptok:2, thief:2, waldren:2, warrior:2, baboon:1.5, gnoll:1.5, gorilla:1.5, harpy:1.5, minotaur:1.5, orc:1.5, yeti:1.5, Mana leech: .

Rarity: Mythic Rare

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