Rogue Corsair Skirmisher
So it seems that someone in Silversail managed to turn a children's toy into a full-fledged war machine. Consisting of what looks like a pitch-coated row boat suspended below a large hot air balloon, this two-person Corsair-class airship soars as high as the eagles, making it nigh-unreachable from ground level, yet its bombardier has no problems taking aim at surface targets with cannonballs, grapeshot, crossbow bolts and free-falling ordnance while the pilot manoeuvres the vessel into optimum firing position before quickly leaving should too many enemy archers take position, a tactic now used to its full potential to harass convoys and supply lines outside of any legal jurisdiction.
Favourite quotes
- "Death from above!"
Multiple locations: moves between these locations in order below. On a set path in roughly 10 minute intervals
- Mountain Fenowasty
- Worn Path
- Last location Unknown
- Jahanna Desert (Infested Town)
- Be wery of thrown Satchels (3 attacks at once-can do over 300 damage)
- Be wary of Granite Spike (up to 250 damage)