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Member Since 23 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2005 02:15 AM

Topics I've Started


30 August 2004 - 04:20 AM

Ok, I'm allergic to pears. . .I love them, but after 3 bites or so, my stomach starts to feel less than good.

I post this today because there was a pear on the table and I grabbed it before my boyfriend could stop me I had taken 3 bites. (my mouth waters just thinking about it). Then he stole it away from me and wouldn't give it back. . . as I tried to get it back, I felt icky and decided that I shouldn't eat it anymore.

On that note, I was wondering what other kind of strange allergies other people have.


29 August 2004 - 06:03 AM

Ok, so staff edit some posts, right? Why does it never say "this post has been edited by <insert staff name here>"?
I don't know if this post should be elsewhere, but I figured off topic was the safest place I could put it cuz it probably is

Crash On Startup

07 August 2004 - 08:15 PM

I know this isn't exactly a "supported" scenario, but we're running Windows XP inside the Virtual PC emulator on the Mac, and Nightmist crashes on lauch. The installer seems to work fine, and the auto-updater is able to start downloading something before it also crashes. Are there any funny low-level operations that Nightmist does that could cause trouble in an emulator? Any other suggestions related to generic crashing-on-startup? We've tried most of the compatibility modes, just for good measure...

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.