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Member Since 23 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2005 02:15 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Politics

31 August 2004 - 10:29 PM


we all have reasons why we believe what we belive you say your a Christian as am I. but i remember one thing  IT IS NOT OUR PLACE TO JUDGE ANYONE. and by you repeditly telling the people who post on this thread that they are wrong you are judging them. if you feel you must do something then do what we have been told. LET GO AND LET GOD  you have told your side, if they choose to think on it and POSSIBLY contemplate a change in mind then they will do so  but if they do not you will not change their mind by repeditly condeming them.  you have made your point this is not discussion anymore its and arguement in wich you are repeating the same thing over and over again. either change your approch to a conversation and stop condeming people, or shut up. i have one question for you, WHO MADE YOU GOD TO JUDGE AND CONDEM??

some of these people are very good friends of mine, you see me call them brother and sister and i do not take that lightly, so even if you dont understand about love i do and i love these people  i dont care what their beliefs are or what their political background is i love them. no questions asked. i would do anything for them and they for me.  there are some Christian friends i couldnt say that much about.

Well said; fully agree;

He won't read it. :P

In Topic: Favorite Song

31 August 2004 - 10:09 PM

WHAM! - wake me up

Hehe, that one almost has more get stuck in your head potential than "Yellow Submarine".

I'd have to say one of my all time favorite songs is "Silent Lucidity" by Queensryche (not sure on the spelling on the band's name, and I'm too lazy to open Itunes to check)

In Topic: Trading Centre

30 August 2004 - 07:01 PM

What if there was just a little change in market square??
Everyone usually just stays on the center path, so what if the description just said something like "Character trades to the east and west" on one square "Armor trades to the east and west" on the next . . . blah blah. . .

Even if I could consistantly play nm on my computer I probably wouldn't ever use this since I don't tend to trade much. . .but I can see how it MIGHT be useful for those who do.

In Topic: Allergies

30 August 2004 - 06:36 PM

i still try and "outsmart" my allergies by eating a couple bites, waiting like 5-10 minutes, or eating in small portions generally. i dunno if it works, because aftre a while i just say moose it and eat the melon anyways. take that allergies.

oh yeah, and the weird thing is this started to show up right around 13/14 years old, right around puberty. i gained heair in weird places but was stripped of my melons.

:P Well, I've been allergic to pears all my life, I think. When I was little, I would always stand at the bottom of the tree while my Great Grandad picked pears and wait until he dropped one then I'd run off and eat it in the potato field. . . and then I'd get sick. It took me years to figure out and when I finally did, I just stopped eating them untill last October, when I thought that I must be imagining things. . .No one could be allergic to pears. and so I bought one.

"outsmart" your allergies. . . that's a good way to put it though. :P

In Topic: Automatic Navigation

30 August 2004 - 02:51 AM

I see one major problem with this idea. You suggest that your character would automatically remember the way to different places and can just walk straight through without having to worry about all the monsters around you. So there you are, walking through the forest and you get attacked by a brown bear (for example) and you just keep on walking like nothing happened. . . this might be just fine if you're simply playing a game on a computer, but we should remember that this is supposed to be a roll playing game. . .I don't think any sane person would act in this manor.

This wasn't really how I wanted to say it and I don't know if I got what I wanted to across, but you'll have to forgive me: there's a symphonie playing in my ear and a two noisy people 'chatting' in the background.