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Member Since 15 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2008 10:34 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Druid Guild For 36

30 July 2008 - 07:30 AM

The Druid Guild for level 36 still needs to be balanced. We'll let you know when it is complete...some sort of announcement will be made.

In Topic: Forum Addition

01 May 2008 - 01:16 PM

Everyone take a deep breath. Let's play nice.

In Topic: Devastate

18 April 2008 - 04:10 AM

Think this through: any change to the game is bigger than you seem to be thinking, because people make decisions based on the rules as they currently exist. You chose a mage, you trained a mage, and then somewhere along the line, the game got changed for or against you. Does that bug you? Sure it does. One class is made stronger, another weaker, and all you can think is, "Geeze I made my decision, invested my time and gold, and now the whole thing is different."

Making changes like you are suggesting has to come slowly, because so much more than you seem to think is at stake.

In Topic: March Madness!

28 March 2008 - 03:22 AM

Since there has been much discussion, much misunderstanding, and problems with scheduling Nightmist events, please note the following changes:

1. Events will continue to run as time and interest allows.
2. Tokens may be redeemed for prizes immediately as follows:

  • any puzzle piece turned in will win a prize. All of the prizes are related; no one has ventured a conversation with me on what that relation actually is,, but please be aware that there was a plan in place.
  • pieces turned in as sets must be distinct pieces; two puzzle piece 2 are not part of a set, while piece 2 and 3 would be part of a set.
  • The value of the prizes has been grossly underestimated, which is cool. You couldn't have known that due to the interest and enthusiasm generated by the event, staff made the decision to honor the participants with significantly improved prizes.
  • The redemption phase of March Madness, that will commense immediately, is certain to raise both enthusiasm and distrust/even anger. Believe me; it has already been said, and weighed, and if you want to voice an opinion please do so--I doubt very much you can say anything new on the subject. It has been an incredibly wearing process.
  • Please give me a few minutes to get this process going before burning Puzzle Pieces in effigy.

In Topic: March Madness!

11 March 2008 - 09:33 PM

March Madness for 3/12/2008: Nightmist Scavenger Hunt

This is going to be a fun event, so I'm encouraging you to plan ahead. it will be run at Midnight server time: 8PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

In this event your entire team will need to be at the destination, with 14 items. As soon as your team fills Tecton's Inventory, your placement is set.

The game will begin by you being ported into the waiting room. You may have all the help you want, from anywhere. But, only five prizes will be awarded; 1 each for the five members that come to the finish line from your team. (if 4 members are there and you still fill Tecton's inventory, we wait for the 5th person to show up.)

  • It is legal to use log to local or even to be killed to return to your local, in order to move around the board. Plan your strategy carefully!
  • Tip: clear your [enemy list, and put your team members in there for better communication.
  • All you need is one of the items per team. You do not need to have all items on all team members.
  • If the item is for sale on the web site, feel free to buy it and complete that item in that way. (Note: staff is not posting items at inflated prices in order to take more of your gold)
  • If the item is available in a shop, you may buy it. If it is in your vault? Well, good for you, Bunky! You're ahead of the curve on that one!
  • Staff will not tell you where a location is. All locations are as seen when you are on that square. There are no tricks involved there.
  • Some items may require a team of crits to reach. This team does not have to be part of your team of 5, but it can be. You just have to get the item.
  • If you want to see how the scavenger hunt will work, there is 1 sample in the Felled Forest to find. That is merely a sample though, to show you how it will work. It is neither a gametime location nor a gametime item.
  • Pick your own team of five, or be assigned to the pickup teams at game time (Midnight Wednesday)
  • If there is any non-staff event occurring simultaneously, the event will be run anyway. If staff is in the middle of another event at game time, the Scavenger Hunt will commence immediately following that staff event.
Good luck!