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Member Since 14 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2004 12:17 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Selling My Pally

15 June 2004 - 11:32 PM

current in game bid is 135k. anyone wanna out bid?

In Topic: The Notorious Beany Masters

15 June 2004 - 04:01 AM

rob i would like to say im sorry..... what i do when im drunk i cant always make right but i can say that i am sorry and i dont wanna screw a perfictly good friendship over a clan fight.

zeb sorry to you too man!

In Topic: Shen An Calhar!

14 June 2004 - 06:35 PM

well. i dont even remember that....... but oh frickin well man. i plan to strong members as well as newbs to fill the lower ranks and learn how to play from fellow clan members, by yours saying it will be a newb clan im saying is having newbs in a clan so wrong? the way i see it a "newb" that gets dedicated to a clan and then becomes a good player is just as valuable to me as an already strong player.

and rob/zeb i think u people know i say dumb nuts when im drunk so dont worry
about what i said on the nbm thread ur #8 no one is going to leave ur clan

In Topic: Shen An Calhar!

14 June 2004 - 05:13 AM

current clans that have made us angry:
Broken, The Resistance, the aviators, Hell, The Order Of The Dragon, Living Dead Dolls.

current allies:
Inferi Dii, Victorian Nightmares Age of Innocence, rome, Lonely Angels, §anctimonious, §õrrõwfü£ Ðrèãm§, Saiyan Warriors, (v)ڮЀ® ÏñÇ, Crÿst㣠Vïö£et £äïr, ÐëádÌÿ ŧ§åüÎt, Desert Moon, The Notorious Beany Masters, The Colombian Cartel.

see guys were only kinda mean.... we have to keep things in reality.... like right now im not sober.... tomarrow i will probably not be sober..... the the truth of the matter is.... i couldnt figure out how to use subliminal messaging to brainwash u into joining my clan so i will have to do it the old fashion way and just ask u to... but im not going to say please or anything so dont get all big headed

In Topic: Notorious Beany Masters

14 June 2004 - 04:49 AM

sorry this is a really gay time in NBM's history so im booting on back to Shen an Calhar, if anyone wants to fallow me u know where to find me.

PS. if anyone doesnt like this post they can go hit themselves in the face with a sock full of golfballs.