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Member Since 06 May 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2004 01:03 PM

Topics I've Started

Good 4 Stat Fighter For Sale

07 September 2004 - 07:10 AM

Behind_Bars is a Male Dwarf Adept Fighter. He looks extremely strong, wise, fast, and average looking. In on hand he holds a Branchwood Shield. He is wearing a Branchwood Mail, and a Branchwood Helmet protects his head. He is a member (Bear Killa) of »¤ ÐârkëñêÐ §ùprémêç¥ ¤« and he is in a healthy condition.

Behind_Bars's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Dwarf Fighter. Str: 21, Int: 16, Dex: 18, Con: 21, Wis: 18, Chr: 8, Lev: 21, Exp: 14,025,795, HP: 234, MP: 0, Stm: 4.

Bid, IS 150k

Excepting Thief lvl 21+

Yes_Its_Me/Psychosis IG

Took hally off him, price lowered

Cheap Feathered Shield

03 September 2004 - 08:16 AM

selling a feathered shield for 15k less than u can buy at shop. why? because i can :P

Pro Mage Trainer (lvl 1-15)

31 August 2004 - 11:53 AM

i train mages 1-15, for 1k a level, in under 2 hours or its free, plain and simple :P
i have refrences, page/memo psychosis if interested. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

4 Stat Elf

16 August 2004 - 12:16 PM

Nothings Stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Mage. Str: 13, Int: 21, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 12, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 14, MP: 25, Stm: 1.

4 stat elf int/dex/con/wis for those who like me, are forgetful :P

Bid Away. Pixy_sticks ingame

4 Stat Gnome Mage 4 Sale

10 August 2004 - 09:44 PM

Banana_Boats Stats are:

Race/Class: Male Gnome Mage. Str: 12, Int: 21, Dex: 20, Con: 18, Wis: 19, Chr: 14, Lev: 4, Exp: 5,525, HP: 38, MP: 61, Stm: 1.

Page Morgan ingame.
