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Member Since 01 May 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2009 12:43 AM

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In Topic: The Item Vault...

19 January 2009 - 02:17 PM

Actually it would, it'd make things just that much more easier and move another element of challenge away and keep more gold ingame as people wouldn't be buying as many clan house rooms and vaults.

Why can't we make it just as expensive as the clan house vaults then? What if you could buy in increments of 10 spaces up to a maximum of 100 or 150 or whatever everyone feels like, and just increase the price every increment? Why is it that everyone just decides 'this idea sucks' and no one is up for posting areas that it could be improved upon?

In Topic: The Item Vault...

18 January 2009 - 06:10 PM

The vaults were not always around to begin with, there was many years where if you didn't have a clan house vault you made lvl 3 item holders for whatever you needed. Also, back then there was no /search to make things easier.

I was suprised they even gave us the 50 item vault in the first place although I do like it. I see no point to having it increased by any more than 50 items. Like what was said before, either make some lvl 3's which take like 10-15min if that to get to use as holders with the awesome /search command, or get a vault in a clan house. Something about the game has to not be so easy.

I know, what's so bad of wanting to improve upon something they added years ago though? I just don't understand why everyone is flaming this idea. For one, it would have no negative impact whatsoever, for another you could still use item holder crits and multiple accounts. It wouldn't be that difficult to add to the game and it would just generally be a good idea. If you don't think it would be a good idea, it certainly wouldn't be a bad one.

In Topic: Pk Improvement

13 January 2009 - 11:08 PM

idk.. yall are persuading me a little.. especially since you use a variety in party, including if i remember right three druids and a mage, but i still don't think its necessary.. i think a better solution to prevent whoever stays on for a long period of time from having the advantage would be to randomize it.. Edit:thus giving nobody an "advantage"(altough both players would get this, i still think it would be better if neither did... would make things more interesting)..

anyways, im going to back off this post, doesnt really effect me, nor is my opinion as strong as it was in the beginning lol...

Well, even with randomization there would be those lucky times that a good majority of the target's alts were first on the list. I think that this system would do away with all of the unfairness completely. Like Gaddy said, I really don't feel that it was intentional for there to be an advantage like that and really I'm not sure if JLH anticipated that there would be people running 10-20 crits at a time when he designed the game (although I could be completely wrong there).

In Topic: Pk Improvement

13 January 2009 - 04:08 PM

gaddy proved my point.. using thieves to pk this would give you a huge uperhand... if i have a party of other classes(granted no1 on main has anything but thieves/rangers/zerkers) you would be screwed by this.. because you would be on top and get pwnd fast instead of them having to use skill and pick you off with either macro, typing very fast, or scrolling to find you.. its been this way for years.. why change it now.. besides, one 1alt(/t gaddy this post doesnt specify what server i can talk about 1a if i want) 1stam attackers will get the shaft to 7stam thieves if all thieves just have to click the top of the character list and they will all hit an enemy on top everytime...

But that is the point actually. Whoever logs in first already has that advantage, adding this system would give everyone the same advantage. Seems to me that it would add a new level of fairness to the PK system.

In Topic: The Item Vault...

13 January 2009 - 04:05 PM

I guess everyone is just afraid of change. This idea would in no way affect anyone who continues to use multiple accounts, and for those of us who want a bigger vault on our main account, we could have that without having to make a completely seperate clan or buy a clan house room for 3 mil for another vault. I guess not everyone knows a harmless idea when they see one.