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Member Since 26 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2007 05:49 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I Am Leaving.

06 July 2007 - 08:02 PM

Its been a privilage knowing you, and I wish the best for you and Cricket in the future. Hope you get better soon man, tell them doctors to smarten up! lol..peace.

In Topic: Ideas And Thoughts Of Issue In Nightmist 1a

05 July 2007 - 05:00 PM

lol...thats all thats needed to be said =/

In Topic: Ideas And Thoughts Of Issue In Nightmist 1a

04 July 2007 - 05:45 PM

Like Ghost said, its supposed to be constructive...I have mentioned one or two of these items in a previous post and surprisingly it got some constructive ideas from staff. Soo...one thing i will disagree with Foxie on is; How is making the paci pyramid open to clerics/pally's going to make that a dead area. That was pretty much the most redundant thing i have ever read.

As well as your arguement that clerics/pally's shouldnt have their own area where the other classes cannot get to, because it will keep them "too safe". Please! Rangers and Druids have Natura do they not? And since when can a pally NOT kill a cleric? It does not in any way allow those two classes to be "untouched" when they train. Druids can only be touched by other druids and rangers in Natura; so whats the problem?

As for Algon the scrouge, gee, i duno, make the drop for something else? Its not that hard to come up with a simple solution for a VERY simple problem.

Now that thats all finished with, I will say this; Foxie's idea about possible replacing the Nyph Tree with a Mini Boss or something was an excellent idea. But shouldnt that have been thought of before it was just deleted from the game?

I also surprisingly, agree with Foxie's comment on the Crystal Giant. Yeah it may suck right now to bring down, but it did in main at one point in time too.

My 2 cents.

In Topic: Some Things Change..and Some Things Don't.

28 June 2007 - 09:57 AM

Good points made, was talking to Wes about some of this stuff earlier lol. Ghost just put it together a bit better. Although didnt push the spacebar after a . lol

Aid for druids FTW!

In Topic: To Random...or Not To Random?

26 June 2007 - 07:30 AM

Supported as well.