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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2009 05:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Who Is The Best Druid Ingame?

26 April 2006 - 12:52 AM

hey just because some meanie stole my name doesn't mean i'm still not a druid ='(

In Topic: Despair/jimmy Singing In Philly Last Night

11 February 2006 - 02:32 AM

DUDE! Jimmy is in Philly????? I live in NewJersey, which isnt THAT far... visit me ;_;

In Topic: Maps(samus) Thing On The Nightmist Home Site

30 November 2005 - 09:27 AM

try http://www.geocities.com/vampyrdarla/ they don't have many town maps but they do have most of the routes afaict (though thier map of sewers2 contains some errors that samuses one doesn't).

most people don't know this, but sometimes i intentionally put slight unnoticeable errors/leave things out of my maps, usually the more rare ones... it's funny to see how some other people's maps match mine exactly, even down to the silly errors... though i must admit the sewers 2 error wasn't planned... i suppose i should fix it eventaully...

In Topic: Who Is The Best Druid Ingame?

30 November 2005 - 09:04 AM

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee i'm on the thinger ^^

Even though I don't play anymore, it would be uber spiffy if I was a guardian =D... but yeah... I'm too much of a lazy bum... but the way I see it, the time I spent on my crit prior to the uberfication of druids, when it actually took a painstakingly excruciating long time to train one, I'd probably be somewhere near if not already a guardian...

Druid Arching Timeline: Zero, (forget crit name), Jango, Vampyre => druid update


In Topic: Message From Newb

31 May 2005 - 11:31 AM

newb i hate u ;o buy me stuff ^^ i send u money if u give address
do they have marimo stuffed animals with the little marimo in a jar?