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In Topic: Dispell
09 April 2004 - 09:29 AM
twas me that came up with the idea in the old forums.... so yea
In Topic: Arrows
12 March 2004 - 02:27 PM
My arrow idea
fire arrow - poison
ice arrow - lose stam
acid arrow - hardly ever misses
bodkin arrow - ignores armour
Deathsnake arrow - 90% chance of missing, does 4*damage
+ any others
These would be abilities (like rapid fire) so you coudnt use them together with rapid
You would buy the abilities from guilds, or get them from boss drops (powerful ones like the Deathsnake)
The number of 'special' arrows you have is given by your mana bar, you recieve 3 'mana' per level, so an arch would have 90 'mana' ie special arrows. The special arrows could be put into game as 'spells' costing 1mp and requiring a bow in hand
Manacrystals would be changed so only magic users can use them. A new item is added, a 'quiver', which is a 30 point manacrystal usable only by rangers.
Regular arrows would be unlimited
fire arrow - poison
ice arrow - lose stam
acid arrow - hardly ever misses
bodkin arrow - ignores armour
Deathsnake arrow - 90% chance of missing, does 4*damage
+ any others
These would be abilities (like rapid fire) so you coudnt use them together with rapid
You would buy the abilities from guilds, or get them from boss drops (powerful ones like the Deathsnake)
The number of 'special' arrows you have is given by your mana bar, you recieve 3 'mana' per level, so an arch would have 90 'mana' ie special arrows. The special arrows could be put into game as 'spells' costing 1mp and requiring a bow in hand
Manacrystals would be changed so only magic users can use them. A new item is added, a 'quiver', which is a 30 point manacrystal usable only by rangers.
Regular arrows would be unlimited
In Topic: Not Even Funny
12 March 2004 - 01:54 PM
I once rolled a 5 stat dwarf with 8 dex, then a coupla mins later the same thing with 1 less char... grrr
In Topic: Berserker Stamina Dropped To 5
04 March 2004 - 01:20 PM
Fighters hit more often, get hit less, have best base ac and 2nd best hp, equal best stamina and beat non-magic users 1v1 most of the time
In Topic: Champions Belt
29 February 2004 - 02:54 AM
Whatever happens to the belt dosnt bother me i dont have a 28+ mage, but the fact is you twice disbanded on a clannie to get that mosh win. If you hadnt, it would have been my arch ranger wiv 13 pots vs your arch thief wit 3 (the pally that was 3v1'd would die then the non-clannie, who i rounded anyway), or if you only double crossed me once it would have been my ranger vs the pally (the pally would probaly win that one unless i clicked him, he had full pot/mana too iirc)
For anyone that didnt know what happened, champs belt mosh, after first random it was 3v1 (pally being the 1) but the owners of the pally and thief decided to join up and re-random, turned out me and thief vs pally and the non-clannie, who i rounded, then the thief ran away to join the pally (coz they were 'sharing crits' is what they sed) and killed me, then one of them quit
For anyone that didnt know what happened, champs belt mosh, after first random it was 3v1 (pally being the 1) but the owners of the pally and thief decided to join up and re-random, turned out me and thief vs pally and the non-clannie, who i rounded, then the thief ran away to join the pally (coz they were 'sharing crits' is what they sed) and killed me, then one of them quit
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