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Member Since 03 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2007 05:15 AM

Topics I've Started

Hello! Former Staffer Savino Here!

03 April 2007 - 02:50 PM

Hello, Nightmist players!

It's Anthony, former Nightmist staff member Savino! (The cool guitar-weilding version, not the "sack of doorknobs"-weilding one.)

How's everyone doing? Just to let you all know, I've been great. I'm 25 now, I'm married and I have a 19-month-old daughter.

I see there's a new "version" of Nightmist only allowing 1 alt now. Very cool. I like that idea. I also see that just about all my art and item descriptions are still in-game.

For those who don't know, during character creation, the entire right-hand column of player pics is my work. It's not as good as the rest of them, but it's still there! My item descriptions include Red Robes, Spiked Helmet, and of course, the Cobalt Staff of the Winds, among others. :o

Hey I have an idea! Let's have an unofficial poll seeing how many of you would like to see me back on Staff!! Hahahah.

I'd love to come back and help out again... maybe do more item descriptions and proofread some of the current text. (Not nit-picking, but a little bit is needed. Heheheh.)

C'mon, support the Bunny King! :)


P.S. - Hi, Pandi-bear! Sexy beast. :)

Disclaimer: No Staff members were harmed during the creation of this post. Also, no Staff members officially support the idea of me returning to Staff. As a matter of fact, none of them had any idea I was posting this, let alone making an "unofficial poll".