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Member Since 11 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2009 09:39 AM

Topics I've Started

Head Count

28 December 2008 - 07:45 PM

was just wondering who all was still on main besides heritage,wind,crane,demi,cody and myself. If i missed anyone then i am sorry, but these are the only people i see on all the time.

1a To Main

27 December 2008 - 03:52 AM

why for christs sake is the stamina table so different on main to 1a???

1a Items For Sale

14 December 2008 - 08:09 PM

The vault contains: 2x Amulet of Windia, Bright Crystal Shard, Bristlemane Token, 2x Fangs, Halberd, 2x Haunted Bangle, Holiday Amulet, Hydrochloric Acid, Jagged Lance, Nightshade Elixir, 2x Phantasmal Bracelet, Shield of Faith, 4x Spider Venom, Spine Axe, Vampire Blood Potion.

(Spine axe is an old questie item from the shwards quest Emme did long time ago)

Main gold/items wanted for this stuff only. I will sell the lot if someone wants it all. Ty.

Feeling A Bit Left Out Here.....

11 December 2008 - 11:00 AM

OK...it is christmas, we all know this. WTF is going on with 1a??? Really! I just noticed 1a has a christmas quest running till the end of the year, but some how something got over looked here. Where is the xmas quest for main?? I know Elf runs 1a, and Trevayne is supposed to run main, but has anyone seen him lately? Some of us over here on the other server are starting to feel a bit left out in the snow. Suggestion made for main xmas quest please. Ty. :ph34r:

Clan On 1a For Sale

10 December 2008 - 05:59 PM

Clan house size: 13 squares. Chairman: Captain_Candy_Cane (10).
Description: In the start, there were gods. And in the gods furnace, came the World. Now the gods stand over their creation, watching their mortals like a pet, We are those Gods. We are the Beginning. We will be the End.

Oldest clan on 1a. It was the first to start.

I dunno how well this will sell if it sells at all. I am takeing main stuff for this only.

Will take bids here.

Catch me on main on Link or Nepharious_Niassey for anything if you need me.

(To Staff: I dunno if this has been posted in the right place. I looked for a clan sell section on the forum and could not find one. I did not think the clan forum would be a good place to put this because there is no activity going on inside the clan. If it needs to be moved feel free to do so. Ty.)