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Member Since 11 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2009 09:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Head Count

30 December 2008 - 03:05 AM

I log to kill bosses everyday

<------- Rappy

I know you log on often man, i see you go past me to HL when i head that way all the time lol. i get on to check it and i see rappy_ninja roll by, i go..."@#$%^@$%&^$% dang>.< he got it again!" lol

In Topic: Boss Thread

29 December 2008 - 01:46 AM

sorta busy day today.

Cappy no drop...again
AM Rose Blade

Ermac assassinated an Aet'Thol <<< was a botch to kill...

olist seal dropped (dont count as a boss i think though)

In Topic: Guildmaster's Key

22 December 2008 - 03:54 AM

well, i will start bidding at 100k main. :ph34r:

In Topic: New Players

19 December 2008 - 02:27 AM

ok...this topic got way out of hand. shut it down someone and save us the trouble....

In Topic: Pacifists Locked Out Of The Bone Garden

17 December 2008 - 12:26 AM

ive not found a story to go with the area, and if you suggest that just the xmas story line fall into place then i dont see how it fits at all. Unless! the story is extended to after the xmas quest ends and some sort of foul magic happened to stay to contiue to reanimate the elves there then that would be cool

you ever try going down there with 2 or 3 5 man teams and wonder around?

and as far as a bad way to suggest things, you yourself suggested the same as i did, does that make your suggestions bad as well? alot of people on the forums suggest things in a bad way as well, does that make everyonges thoughts bad as well?
