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Member Since 22 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2006 10:04 PM

Topics I've Started

6 Level One 4-stats

31 July 2006 - 01:48 PM

On my quest for getting a six stat or something worth-while Ive rolled these which I personally don't have any use for:

Weather's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 9, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 13, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Rim's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 9, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 9, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Yes's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 14, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 8, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Tuna's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Dwarf Initiate Berserker. Str: 21, Int: 16, Dex: 18, Con: 21, Wis: 18, Chr: 16, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 29, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Dodgey's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Dwarf Initiate Berserker. Str: 21, Int: 8, Dex: 18, Con: 21, Wis: 18, Chr: 13, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 29, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Mayfare's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Initiate Mage. Str: 8, Int: 21, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 12, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 14, MP: 25, Stm: 1.

They are all fresh rolls and have never left Boars Tusk (therefore they have no level history)

Because they do not have much charisma, this does not alter the fact that they are four-stats.

Please contact 'Plop' ingame with pages/memo's if you are interested.



One Off Six-stat Dwarf

19 July 2006 - 08:41 AM

Rule's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Dwarf Initiate Fighter. Str: 21, Int: 18, Dex: 18, Con: 21, Wis: 18, Chr: 16, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 24, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Its a fresh roll with no history.

If your interested please say here with what you would be willing to pay.
'Plop' ingame.


Sgs On Website

17 July 2006 - 07:21 PM

You put your Spider Gauntlets on the website for 150000 gold.


Level 1 Halflings

14 July 2006 - 09:53 AM

Leather's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Ranger. Str: 18, Int: 15, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 18, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 19, MP: 0, Stm: 1.
This character has been a level 10 Paladin, with 99 HP, and 117 MP.

Tuna's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 12, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 17, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Baa's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 10, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 15, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

All fresh rolls except the first one which has a bit of level history

Plop ingame

Level One 4-stats

10 July 2006 - 12:59 AM

Wollengong's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Human Initiate Fighter. Str: 19, Int: 14, Dex:19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 11, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 22, MP: 0, Stm: 1.

Homeless's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 10, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 16, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.


Chipped's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 12, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 13, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.


Flobadoba's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 19, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 15, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.


Rake's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Halfling Initiate Fighter. Str: 18, Int: 13, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 9, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 21, MP: 0, Stm: 1.


'Plop' ingame
