Aight....check this got your pacci's with there temple, pallie's with there new area...fighters and zerkers go to sarka and devestate up there, clerics got the illumi tunnels and racks, druids and rangers can go just about anywhere....but there is not a real theif area.....i know alot of people in nightmist love to use theives.....but there is just not really a place for us...most of us are just carried around to store stuff...lets see about getting a theif only area...perhaps open a new area up behind airlin, or somewhere south of nightmist besides the gnolls huh?would be nice...give some positive feed crap...maybe this will work out well, who knows...
i have seen to many new people quit because they are such an easy target for people to pk.i know someone has mentioned a time allowed where there can be no pking done when you first log on. i suggest the character level 5 limit for pking be changed to level 10. this way a person has a chance to build a small amout of gold, get decent equipment, and get a feel for the areas around nightmist before they are ripped to shreds by pkers...i don't know if this will get alot of support...but it is worth a try. a few staff people don't think it is a bad idea either..lets see shall we?