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Member Since 14 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2009 12:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Bigger Pots And Mana

20 February 2009 - 11:41 PM

Ok, So I know Crane posted this back when the level 30+ was fresh, but I just spent like 20 minutes trying to find it, and I failed. So anyways.

I think that now with players reaching the level 35+ mark, this should be rethought. Right now it cost 200 gold for an advanced potion/mana crystal (In most places.. Exceptions in Faravar/Tirantek etc.) I think it would be a good idea to implement potions and mana crystals that give back 200-225 for 400-450 gold. I believe that it wouldn't unbalance anything, and instead (especially on the 1a server) it would lead to more exploration as to where you could recover more hp/mp with an inventory.

I think the main issue in the old post was that it would make clerics obsolete if you added higher hp pots. This is not true, because the clerics are the ones with the spells and you probably still couldn't take down the big bosses without a cleric or two with you to keep you healed/spelled.

So yeah, feedback please.


14 February 2009 - 09:53 AM

So I've given this some thought, and I think Mages could use a spell like this.

Meditate when cast last 30 or so seconds and for every second the mage receives and additional 2mp. However, when cast the mage would lose 2-3 dex for the time of the spell being cast and would be unable to move (Because the mage would be in a meditative state and not be able to react quickly or move). Make it to where its like Justice Zone, where the paci cannot move until Justice Zone is lifted and have the negative 2-3 dex.

Anyways, I would go further in depth with it, but I know its either going to get mass flamed or the "C" word is going to be used, but I thought maybe it would get some ideas flowing and let staff play around with something. :ph34r:


28 January 2009 - 08:15 AM

Petra's B-day!!!!!!! :ph34r:


27 January 2009 - 06:42 AM

It's walter's B-day :ph34r:


06 January 2009 - 12:27 AM

Ok after posting about how tokens should be changed and throwing ideas together. Walt came up with this:

"The token system may be tweaked if staff thinks it is approproate. One idea could be like this, since several have said it's not hard to get 8-10 people together, but the problem seems to be getting them all on the same class.

Here is what I am thinking. Make on token boss suitable for a max of 8-10 characters. Give this token boss a combination of all the other coli bosses atributes. Make it so all classes can go into this one coli boss for a general token that is accepted by all of the Tirantek Guilds. Also, make it more exspensive then the regular coli token bosses. I would say double the regular cost.

The reason I say double the cost at least, is the regular tokens would still be in play, but if you want to gather up your best chars of all classes, then a price should be on it. It gives everyone a fair shot at leveling then, but if it is easier to do it with 2 mages, 4 thieves, and 3 druids, and a cleric, cost should be more.

You can say this idea sucks or agree with it, but imo, having a token boss that is easy enough for only 5-6 to do is kind of rediculous for those who have had to fight it with a great party.

And I only voted no because "I'm in Pande." :ph34r:"